3 Years Old Period

Hello 3 year old!!

Nooooo! I don't want to do that. What you say is not true.

Banana, don't come, I'll wear my shoes.

Oh, don't touch me. I don't want it.

I'll eat your food myself.

 Mom, listen to me!!

Many parents witness such conversations. The age of 3 is a very important period for children in terms of their development and revealing their own individualization. It is quite normal for them to exhibit such behaviors. During this period, children try to prove themselves and want to feel important, they want my parents to accept me. During this period, those stubbornnesses increase a lot. Parents must accept their children's situation and remain very calm. If you get stubborn with them, you should avoid it. Because otherwise, no matter what you say, they will continue to do the opposite. Why are they trying to prove themselves to you and the environment? During this period, they will prefer to do only what they want. (Food, clothes, etc.). All of these stem from their desire to be independent. We can call it a period of becoming me.

So, what to do?

Love is what is needed most, tell your loved ones often. Be sure to share small tasks with him. Do not forget to give him small tasks. For example, let him reserve a room for the laundry with you and make him feel important. You can have dinner together as a family and experience going for a walk together. The environment is very important for them, let them experience it. Do not forget to talk to your child by making eye contact. Let him experience his emotions in case of anger and resentment. Allow your child to engage in creative activities so that you can get to know your child together. Let's try to be consistent, let's not hesitate to say No in a clear and firm manner when necessary. Love.


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