Depression in Childhood

There are many causes of depression in children. In general terms, they can be listed as follows.

1. Maternal depression (postpartum depression)

2. Loss of a loved one (death, separation)

3. Inadequate social environment (school, nursery, friends)

4. Insufficient parental attention (especially the mother)

5. Exposure to trauma (exposure to violence, insult, sexual abuse)

6. Being born with a disability or disability (such as losing an organ, blindness, deafness)

7. Chronic diseases (long-term hospitalization, medication use, exposure to pain)

8. Genetic transmission (recurrent depression attacks in the family)

If we roughly divide childhood into pre-school and post-school periods, the symptoms of depression seen in these periods differ.

Crying, restlessness, stubbornness, irritability in the pre-school period. , defiance, damaging objects, introversion, not making eye contact, sleep disorders, feeding problems, constipation, not being happy with games and toys, extreme sensitivity or insensitivity to pain, etc.

During the post-school period and adolescence, the picture is unhappiness, depression, weakness, lack of energy, introversion, inability to enjoy anything, weight loss (sometimes weight gain may occur), sleep disorders, deterioration in friendships, alcohol. and drug use, suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Can children get depressed?

Yes, they can. In fact, the suicide and death rate due to depression has been found to be very high during adolescence. The frequency of depression in children is known to be approximately 1-3% before school and 10-18% during adolescence after school.

Although a few items listed above among the causes of depression cannot be changed, many causes can be eliminated. Since the frequency of depression is especially high during adolescence, families need to be more careful during this period. One of the most important factors is the parent-child relationship. Healthy family relationships prevent depression in children. Parents should establish solid communication both with their children and among themselves. Parents need to be able to enter the inner world of their children, get to know them and provide them with the necessary teachings. Especially in the preschool period Job jealousy, parents behaving differently and comparisons can lead to depression in children. Another important factor is the circle of friends and school. A good circle of friends and proper school support reduce the risk of depression in children. Nutrition and foods consumed are important. Sports and other social activities are also considered among the preventive factors in depression.

Families should consult specialists if they have symptoms of depression seen in children. Diagnosis and treatment of depression is made by doctors (child psychiatrists). Expert psychologists should only be involved in the psychotherapy side of the work as a supporter. It should also be noted that depression can be a symptom of other diseases or accompany other psychiatric diseases.


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