Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you spend more time in the toilet than ever before. You go to the toilet constantly throughout the day and night. This situation, which pregnant women do not like at all, is a normal process experienced throughout pregnancy. Frequent going to the toilet is a condition that is seen constantly throughout the day and night.

In what period of pregnancy does this condition begin?

Frequent going to the toilet is one of the most important symptoms that begins in the first months of pregnancy and is very common. This situation eases after the 3rd month of pregnancy, when the uterus begins to protrude into the abdominal cavity. However, it thickens again after the 35th week.

What is the reason?

What causes this situation is the hCG hormone, which provides increased blood flow with pregnancy. The HCG hormone also accelerates blood flow to your kidneys. While your kidneys are working hard, the waste removed from the body accelerates. The same goes for your baby. For this reason, your need to go to the toilet doubles.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and causes you to go to the toilet frequently. When you reach the last months, your baby positions itself for birth and turns head down. This increases the pressure on your bladder and causes you to go to the toilet frequently.

What can you do in this situation?

Try to fully empty your bladder by leaning forward while going to the toilet. This way, you will feel the need to go to the toilet less frequently. Wait a while while going to the toilet and try to empty your bladder completely. Do not reduce your fluid consumption to go to the toilet less often. You and your baby will need fluids throughout pregnancy. Dehydration can cause urinary tract infection.

Can you prevent this situation?

In addition to emptying your bladder completely, you can take some precautions to avoid going to the toilet frequently. Cut down on diuretics like caffeine. These types of liquids cause you to go to the toilet more often. Do not consume too much fluid before going to sleep.

Will frequent urination decrease throughout pregnancy?

The frequency of urination varies in each pregnant woman. Some women experience this very rarely, while others experience it very frequently. This is a personal situation. This will end after birth.

If you feel the need to go to the toilet again immediately after going to the toilet, consult your doctor. Your doctor will ask if this is a urine sample. He/she will want to check if there is any infection. Also, constantly check the color of your urine. If everything is normal, the color of your urine will be light yellow and transparent. However, if you are dehydrated, the color of your urine will darken.

I wish you a healthy day


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