How Do You Recognize a Narcissist?

Narcissistic is one of several personality disorders. It is a mental state in which people exaggerate their own importance, have a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, lack empathy, and experience troubled social relationships.

But underneath the mask of overconfidence, there is a fragile person who reacts violently to even the slightest criticism. There is self-confidence. Narcissistic personality disorder; It causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, business life and school life.

People with this disorder become unhappy and disappointed if they do not receive the praise and favors they think they should receive. Narcissistic personality disorder treatment generally focuses on talk therapy (psychotherapy).

Symptoms vary from person to person

The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of these symptoms vary from person to person. . In general, those with this disorder have behaviors such as an exaggerated sense of self-importance, expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations, being considered superior, and believing that they can only communicate with special people like themselves.

The most common. Which is the symptom?

One of the most common symptoms is having difficulty handling everything that is perceived as critical. In addition to obvious symptoms such as acting impatiently and angry when no special behavior is taken, and belittling others to make oneself look better, hidden emotions such as insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation may also occur with narcissistic personality disorder.

What awaits you during the recovery process?

The healing process of this disorder can be achieved with psychotherapy. Understanding the reasons that cause problems to arise and communicating with others in a more positive way are among the goals of recovery. This results in changes in behavior and more constructive relationships.

With psychotherapy, it is possible to enable the patient to develop self-esteem and create more realistic expectations for both himself and others. Cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy or group therapy are among the methods of psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps the person identify their negative beliefs and behaviors and replace them with healthier and more positive behaviors. Medication may help some of the more bothersome aspects of the condition.

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