Forehead Lift Operations
Forehead lift surgeries are generally performed together with face lift surgeries. It can also be applied alone to patients with intense
wrinkles only in the forehead area. It can be performed under general anesthesia or with sedation. The forehead skin and muscle adhesions are separated by incisions made at the scalp line. After the excess skin parts
are removed, they are closed with stitches. There may be swelling and bruising for a few days after the operation.
After the operation, there may be numbness in the areas where there are operation scars. It usually disappears over time.
The scars are generally not disturbing as they remain within the hair.
Brow Lift (Eyebrow Aesthetics)
Eyebrows are one of the most important aesthetic points on the face. The posture of the eyebrows gives us expressions such as angry, tired or bored.
When drooping eyebrows are accompanied by some upper eyelid drooping, it causes us to look older
. There are several methods to ensure that the eyebrows remain in their appropriate places.
Eyebrow plucking and permanent make-up application
Botilinium toxin application
Eyebrow suspension
Eyebrow lift operation
Eyebrow Plucking and Permanent Makeup Application
Eyebrows can be plucked appropriately and lifted up a bit. It can be shaped with permanent make-up. As its name suggests, it is permanent and the decision should be carefully considered.
Eyebrow Lift
It is a short-term method that can be performed under local anesthesia. Eyebrows are hung using permanent threads through 2-3 mm incisions with the help of needles
. With this hanging process using special threads, the eyebrows stay up for 2-3 years. You can return to work on the same day. It is a quick and
preferred method.
Brow Lift Operation
It is generally performed together with the face lift operation. An incision is made from inside the scalp and the eyebrows are taken upwards. When applied via endoscopy, there is a smaller incision and a shorter recovery period.
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