Stomach hernia is a disease that can be seen in many individuals and can occur in more than half of people over the age of 60.
What is a Stomach Hernia?
Some medications are recommended for the treatment of gastric hernia. These drugs are usually sufficient for treatment, but in cases where the disease is very advanced, gastric hernia surgery may also be required. Treatments are often quite successful. However, recommendations are given to the patient for gastric hernia in order not to recur. A more regular diet, avoidance of obesity, and quitting smoking for smokers are among the most important recommendations. If this is not taken care of at the end of the treatment and the same habits continue, the disease will recur. In order to avoid this, it should be known what the hernia is and the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed. Although it does not show many symptoms in advanced cases, it greatly reduces the patient's quality of life when symptoms occur. For this reason, it is important to be examined without losing time for diagnosis and treatment.
Stomach hernia is a disease that can be seen in people of all ages. However, studies have proven that it is more common in people over the age of 50. In general, it is defined as the progression of the upper part of the stomach from the diaphragm to the esophagus as a result of the weakening or melting of the muscles between the esophagus and the stomach for any reason.
There is a large muscle between the diaphragm, abdomen and chest. Humans breathe and exhale using this muscle in accordance with their anatomical structure. In a healthy individual, the stomach is under the diaphragm, but in individuals with a hernia, a part of the stomach is pushed upwards through the muscles. In this case, the formation of gastric hernia is observed. The weakening of the diaphragm for some reason triggers a hernia. The disease is not life-threatening. In many patients, it only shows symptoms in the later stages. However, patients with gastric hernia are more likely to have reflux. Therefore, treatment of the disease before it progresses is necessary for a healthier life.
What are the Symptoms of Gastric Hernia?
Symptoms of gastric hernia often do not manifest themselves in the early stages of the disease. However, the progression of the disease and the growth of the hernia some symptoms occur. These symptoms are;
- Sudden heartburn at any time of the day,
- Discomfort and pain in the stomach or esophagus,
- Feeling of bloating despite not eating much food, and Desire to belch,
- Bitter or sour taste at the back of the throat,
- Difficulty swallowing while eating or drinking,
- It manifests as nausea and consequently vomiting .
What are the Causes of Gastric Hernia?
The question of what is a hernia and what are its causes is asked by many patients, but many The exact cause of gastric hernia is unknown. In some patients, a hernia occurs due to injuries or muscle loss due to various reasons. Because of the muscle weakness in the stomach and diaphragm, the stomach tends to slide towards the diaphragm. Another cause is constant coughing, vomiting, straining during bowel movements and constantly lifting heavy objects. Because all these conditions expose the muscles around the stomach to constant pressure. Continuation of these causes gastric hernia to occur. Some people's esophagus may be genetically or congenitally large. This makes it easier for the stomach to protrude into the esophagus. There are also several reasons that increase the risk of gastric hernia. Obesity, irregular diet, aging and smoking increase the rate of gastric hernia. All this causes the muscles around the stomach to weaken. In case of weakening of the muscles, the occurrence of gastric hernia is inevitable.
What are the Types of Diseases of Gastric Hernia?
There are two different types of gastric hernia. These are slip-type gastric hernia. (sliding hernia) and paraesophageal hernia. Sliding gastric hernia generally occurs due to reflux and is the most common type among patients. It generally occurs when the stomach slides into the thoracic cavity with the esophagus. Paraesophageal hernia is mostly seen in women. It occurs in fewer patients compared to slip-type gastric hernia. However, it is a very risky disease compared to other types. Because the stomach becomes herniated day by day in the chest cavity and becomes risky. The progression of the disease puts the patient's life in danger. It should be treated as soon as possible because it carries a life-threatening risk. Symptoms of both types are similar. A distinctive symptom is not present in slip-type gastric hernia or paraesophageal hernia. However, the symptoms of a paraesophageal hernia can be very intense and severe.
How to Diagnose a Stomach Hernia?
A hernia is usually the result of a series of tests to determine the cause of heartburn, chest pain, or upper abdominal pain. arises. These tests are X-ray of the upper digestive tract, upper endoscopy and esophageal manometry. For the diagnosis of the disease, first of all, X-ray of the upper digestive system is taken. Before the X-ray, the patient is asked to consume a liquid to facilitate the view. With this method, the stomach, esophagus and diaphragm can be easily visualized. Thus, it can be determined whether the stomach protrudes into the esophagus. As another test, upper stomach endoscopy can also be applied. A thin, flexible tube equipped with a light and camera is passed down the patient's throat into the stomach to view the esophagus and stomach. Thus, the entire system up to the stomach is displayed.
The doctor can diagnose the disease as a result of this imaging. Esophageal manometry is a method of measuring rhythmic muscle contractions of the esophagus and stomach. This method also measures the coordination and strength of the muscles. It is among the diagnostic methods used to diagnose gastric hernia. All tests or a single test can be applied according to the patient's condition and the doctor's opinion.
What are the Treatment Methods for Gastric Hernia?
Gastric hernia treatment is mostly very successful � These are treatments that take place in such a way and that the disease can be resolved definitively. Some antacid medications may be recommended to neutralize stomach acid. These drugs prevent heartburn by regulating the acidity of the stomach and provide relief. However, it is very important to use such drugs in the amounts determined by the doctor. Otherwise, some side effects may occur. Some medications called H2 receptor blockers may also be recommended to reduce the stomach's acid production. These drugs make the stomach produce less and pave the way for the patient to relax. Again, proton pump inhibitor drugs, which prevent acid production and allow the esophagus to heal, are also used in the treatment of gastric hernia.
These drugs, which are called PPIs for short, reduce the production of stomach acid intensely and provide the treatment of the damaged stomach and esophagus. If drugs do not work in the treatment, surgical intervention is required. The purpose of this intervention is to bring the upward sliding part of the stomach back to where it should be. Depending on the condition of the patient and the disease, the operation can be performed by laparoscopic or thoracotomy method. Although surgery is not recommended in cases where the disease is not very advanced, the success rate is quite high.
Recommendations for Gastric Hernia:
- The most important point is to regulate one's eating habits and pay attention to healthy eating rules. .
- Conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as pregnancy, obesity, and excessive fluid intake, increase the symptoms of gastric hernia. Weight control is important.
- The amount of portions in meals should be reduced; A small amount of food should be eaten at frequent intervals.
- You can switch to a horizontal position 3 hours after a meal.
- As acidic liquids such as citrus fruits cause relaxation in the transition area between the esophagus and stomach, herniation increases. Such foods should be avoided.
- Foods to be avoided; coffee, tea, alcohol, spices, bitter foods, extremely fatty foods and acidic beverages.
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