Eye pressure

The nutrition of the eye takes place through the fluid constantly produced inside the eye. While this process is taking place, this fluid inside the eye is expelled through some channels. If any blockage occurs in these channels, the fluid inside the eye cannot be drained out. As a result, the pressure inside the eye increases. This increase in pressure is called eye pressure (glaucoma).

Eye pressure damages the optic nerve due to increased pressure. As a result of damaged nerve cells, vision loss gradually occurs. If left untreated, vision loss will eventually reach 100%. Vision loss occurs from the periphery to the center.

There are some types of glaucoma. The disease usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages and is noticed by patients only after vision loss occurs. It usually occurs after the ages of 40-45 and its first symptom is increased intraocular pressure. WATERING IS THE INCREASE OF REFLECTION IN LIGHTS. If vision loss begins, it is irreversible. For this reason, regular eye examination is very important for early diagnosis.


Eye hypertension does not cause any symptoms in the early period. Since the disease progresses slowly and there is a loss of vision from the periphery to the center, the loss in the visual field is not noticed. With early diagnosis, the progression of glaucoma can be stopped. However, a good eye examination is essential for this.

A rare type of eye tension may include nausea, vomiting, pain, and blurred vision. Since this type of angle-closure glaucoma, which we call glaucoma, constitutes a small portion of the patients, such symptoms may not occur in other glaucoma patients.


First degree relatives have glaucoma. The risk of eye hypertension is increased in those with In other words, hereditary factors play an important role in the emergence of this disease. Additionally, the risk of occurrence increases in people over the age of 40 and in people with constantly high intraocular pressure. Apart from these, increased blood pressure, diabetes, eye injuries, anemia, and UVEIT are among the risk factors for the occurrence of this disease. People with these risk factors should be careful about this. � and regular eye examinations are helpful in preventing the disease from occurring.

Since it is generally an insidious disease, it is noticed by chance measurement of intraocular pressure during an eye examination. Therefore, intraocular pressure should also be measured during the eye examination. If eye pressure is suspected, there are some situations that doctors pay attention to. The first of these is increased intraocular pressure. Others are detecting the damage to the optic nerve and revealing the visual field loss due to this damage by the doctor. The degree of damage to the nerve and visual field loss are important in determining the treatment of the disease.

Ocular hypertension crisis occurs in some patients. In this case, intraocular pressure suddenly increases and manifests itself with eye and headache, nausea and vomiting. It is a condition that requires urgent treatment.

We have stated that this disease is an insidious and slowly progressing disease. It is difficult to diagnose because it does not cause any symptoms in the early period. It is a chronic disease and if treatment is not started, it will lead to complete vision loss. Therefore, the patient must know the importance of his disease. Because many people do not continue treatment, thinking that there is no problem, and as a result, they lose their eyesight.

Just as there is no cure for high blood pressure and blood pressure must be constantly kept under control. The treatment of eye pressure is also like this. In other words, it is not possible to completely eliminate the disease.

One of the forms of treatment applied to someone with eye pressure is the use of eye drops. The effect of the medicine is increased by keeping the eye closed for a while after using the eye drops. It should definitely be used in the dosage and way recommended by the doctor. If stinging or burning occurs in the eye, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is a short-term situation. If eye drops are not sufficient for eye pressure, medications in pill form can also be used for a SHORT TERM. Side effects caused by these drugs must be reported to the doctor.

If the drugs do not provide adequate treatment, If this cannot be achieved, surgical treatment is applied.

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