What is Teeth Whitening? How To?

For more beautiful smiles, everyone wonders questions such as "what is teeth whitening and how is it done?" Everything you wonder about teeth whitening, which is a method used to have more aesthetically pleasing teeth and a beautiful smile, is in this article.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening process occurs on the surface of the teeth. It makes teeth look whiter by removing the substances found in them. The surface of the tooth consists of porous enamel structure. There are many organic or inorganic substances in these pores. By cleaning these substances with teeth whitening gels, we make the teeth look whiter.

No damage is done to the structure of the teeth during this process. You will see the difference for yourself as a result of the procedure successfully performed by our specialist physicians.

Why is Teeth Whitening Necessary?

Many reasons such as structural disorders in the teeth, antibiotics used in childhood, eating and drinking habits cause discoloration in the teeth. it causes. This situation makes people uncomfortable and can cause lack of self-confidence. We can say that the cheapest and easiest method to increase the aesthetic appearance of your teeth is the "teeth whitening process." p>

What are the Teeth Whitening Methods?

There are basically two teeth whitening methods. The first is the power bleaching method applied in the clinic. It is possible to lighten tooth color up to 3-4 shades by using whitening gel and light. It is the most preferred method because it is fast and effective.

The other method is the home bleaching method applied at home. The mixture placed in plastic mouthpieces specially prepared for the patient should be worn for 4-8 hours a day. The desired whiteness is achieved after 5-7 days of use.

Teeth whitening methods can be applied to adults. However, it should be applied with caution in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. It should not be applied to children.

How Long Does the Teeth Whitening Effect Last?

The tooth whitening effect varies depending on the person's eating habits and tooth structure. However, as a generalization, its effect lasts between 6 months and 2 years. It is possible to say that it does. As long as our doctors' instructions are followed, it is very easy to get the results you want from the teeth whitening process.

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