Genital warts; These are cauliflower-like warts that develop in the genital area of ​​both men and women as a result of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection.
There are many serious problems that this sexually transmitted infection, which is increasingly common in our country, may cause in both men and women. For this reason, every individual should be informed about this infection and should immediately consult a doctor when he or his partner suspects this infection. Genital warts, which are seen to cause more problems especially in women, are painless masses that can sometimes be in a single area, sometimes in several areas, sometimes as small as a pin head, and sometimes reach 5 cm in diameter (in rare cases, it can be 15-20 cm in diameter). As with most viral diseases, once HPV enters the body, it settles in the cells and occasionally causes flare-ups. Therefore, HPV infection is considered a disease with no definitive treatment. HPV infection is especially common in individuals who have (or have had) multiple sexual partners and their partners. Transmission of the virus occurs through contact of another individual's infected area (such as the penis) with mucous membranes (such as the mouth and vagina) or naturally moist areas (such as the anus).

It may be asymptomatic in men

After HPV infection, following an incubation period of 2-6 months, condyloma (warts) of varying numbers and sizes occur in the genital area and/or around the anus. It shows symptoms with the formation of masses called . Symptoms are highly affected by individual characteristics, and especially in men, the infection may be completely asymptomatic. It may also be asymptomatic in women, but in these "asymptomatic" cases, detailed examinations using a magnifying glass (colposcopy) reveal very small masses in the external genital area, vagina or cervix in most women. In some cases, especially in women, it is possible to encounter giant cauliflower-looking masses that completely fill the area between the vagina and anus, the anus or the vagina. Lesions may also occur in the oral mucosa during oral genital sex practices. Sometimes, the only symptom of HPV infection in women is the presence of cellular abnormalities (koilocytosis) specific to HPV infection in pap smear examination during gynecological examination. HPV is a highly contagious virus Even short-term contact of lesions in the genital area with mucous membranes or genital areas (such as during sexual intercourse) is sufficient for infection. It is transmitted more easily, especially from men to women, since the genital area mucosa is open to the outside environment through the vagina.

It affects the genetic structure of the cell

HPV, which causes condyloma (wart) formation in the genital area, is a virus that has the ability to affect the genetic structure of the cell by settling inside the cells. HPV has many subtypes. Some of these subtypes, with their effects on cells, cause the cells to turn into cells that can multiply rapidly and uncontrollably on their own. Excessive growth of condyloma masses existing before pregnancy or newly appearing during pregnancy sometimes causes obstruction of the birth canal and normal vaginal birth becomes impossible. The typical appearance of masses in the genital area is sufficient to make a diagnosis. In suspicious cases, it may be necessary to make a diagnosis by taking a biopsy of the masses.

How is it treated?

The basic principle in the treatment of HPV infection is to clear the masses as much as possible to minimize recurrences. For this purpose, local (regional) treatment is applied using drugs effective against viruses and cauterization of large lesions is applied. The point to remember is that treatment is limited to eliminating visible lesions only. HPV infection has a chronic course, and even if the masses disappear completely, the contagion continues thanks to the viruses that live secretly inside the cells.

Care should be taken in relationships 

Since HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, taking general precautions in this regard is the only way to protect from HPV infection. However, the contagiousness of HPV is so high that even the use of condoms may not protect people in questionable relationships. During sexual contact, transmission may occur from parts of the male genital area that are not protected by a condom to a woman, or vice versa, from a woman to a man. Therefore, it is very important not to have intercourse with those who have obvious condyloma lesions.

There are many subtypes of the HPV virus that causes genital condyloma, and some of them are cervix. It is very closely related to heart cancers (cervical cancers). While smear screenings should be started in all sexually active women after 3 years from the first intercourse, especially women with warts caused by HPV and women whose partners have had warts at some time are at a much higher risk of these cancers. Especially this group of women should definitely not neglect their annual gynecological check-ups and smear screenings.

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