Experts said that a balanced diet and body and brain exercises reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is defined as the inability of the brain to maintain knowledge, behavior and daily life, which occurs in later ages. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia. Moderate forgetfulness may occur with aging. Neurologist Dr. stated that the changes are not at a level that will affect daily life activities. Duygu Aygün said, “However, those in your family may notice the change, this situation is called mild cognitive disorder. Only regular follow-up of these patients can determine whether dementia will develop or not. Alzheimer's disease is a disease characterized by progressive loss, primarily in memory and subsequently in all cognitive functions of the brain. "It is seen in 2-4 percent of the group over the age of 65 and in 20 percent of those over the age of 85," he said. Stating that there is cell loss and loss of intercellular messages, Aygün said, Alzheimer's disease is a slowly progressive and insidious disease. It initially begins with short-term forgetfulness. The patient gradually forgets what he eats and where he puts things. As the disease progresses, the person's daily work begins to be disrupted. He asks the same questions again and loses his ability to communicate with the environment. He becomes unable to recognize his relatives, begins to be psychologically affected, and becomes withdrawn. "He cannot meet his own needs for self-care and eventually becomes bedridden," he said. Stating that it is necessary, Aygün said, “It is possible to reduce the risk of disease with a healthy and balanced diet, vitamins E, B and C, folic acid, omega-3-based diet, Mediterranean diet, brain and body exercises. Although there is no definitive treatment for the disease, early diagnosis is very important. Behavior and personality changes accompanying the disease should be monitored, and sleep and eating patterns should be controlled. should be provided and treatment should be supported with psychiatric help. "Considering the progressive course of the patient, forward-looking plans should be made for the patient and their relatives," he said.
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