In these days when university exams are approaching, our young students are very worried about their profession and school. Everyone wants to choose the right university and therefore the right profession. However, unfortunately, our young people do not have enough awareness and responsibility on this issue. Our young students are great about this issue. They experience confusion and the biggest mistakes can be caused by misleading parents and sometimes teachers. So, how should our students choose a profession and what should be taken into consideration when choosing a profession?
Choosing a profession and adopting the right profession as a person depends on one's lifestyle. It means choosing a profession at some point. Choosing a profession, which is one of the important turning points in human life, has a direct impact on a person's individual happiness. The way to be happy in working life and in our individual lives is to choose a profession that suits our personality. People who have chosen a profession suitable for themselves have a certain level of quality of life, We see that they love their jobs and therefore become productive individuals who have progressed in their profession. On the other hand, we see that individuals who choose a profession that does not match their interests and abilities are inefficient, unwilling, unhappy and constantly trying to change their profession. This situation affects not only the employer, but also the person's family, friends and family. It also affects other people around him extremely negatively.
The person should put aside his concerns and prioritize what he can do and what he does not like to do. Then, his interests should be determined. He must determine his boundaries and set out by becoming aware of what he wants.
It is very useful to examine the professional groups he is interested in (professional conditions, working environment, earnings, employment opportunities, qualifications). In this direction, the individual determines his own personality traits and the profession he is interested in. can reach a certain decision by matching their characteristics.
Unfortunately, today's youth asks "how will I make money?" In their thoughts, they find themselves in the wrong profession and in an unhappy life. Concentrating on the thought of "Which job can I do best?" instead of earning money will be the first step towards finding the right profession and real happiness. Another important point is; Instead of choosing a faculty suitable for the profession you want and trying to keep your scores and goals in that direction, making choices by being aware of what you want instead of choosing the "higher scoring department" will take you to higher levels. As different as possible. Meet with people from professional groups and friends studying in different departments. This will both broaden your horizons and save you from shallow and prejudiced attitudes.
What a person can do, his own character, strengths and weaknesses, abilities, expectations, values. He needs to ask himself and determine a decision and direction accordingly.
Choosing a profession is a very important decision that will affect a long period of life. Because profession is actually an important decision that will identify with the person and become a part of the person. In their choices, in their lives and in the decisions they will make. I wish success to our young people in their decisions.
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