Test Anxiety and the Roles of the Family

Exam anxiety is an overreaction to a stimulus perceived as dangerous. Physical and psychological distress is experienced. These troubles; Sweating, dizziness, nausea and body numbness occur.

Why does exam anxiety occur?

There are many underlying reasons for exam anxiety. Some of the reasons are as follows:

1. Effort to control: Anxiety is actually a healthy and necessary emotion. However, if this anxiety begins to affect your life, vital activities, etc., at that point an anxiety disorder occurs. Anxiety occurs as a result of the effort to control. The person develops anxiety against situations that will occur outside of his/her will. This situation also occurs in exam anxiety, "I wonder if there will be a question that I do not know." ? ”, “ I wonder if there is not enough time? ” “ What do I do if I forget what I know? Thoughts of controlling situations that are beyond the person's will, such as "", create test anxiety in the person.

2.Performance pressure: The important thing in performance pressure is that the person has the motivation to prove himself to his family and environment. “My family trusted me so much, I have to do it!” or "I've studied so much, I'll be disgraced if I don't win." Thoughts like these create performance pressure, which in turn creates anxiety. Another important situation is the concern that children will be evaluated by their families based on their exam results. This situation means "If I get low scores, my family will not like and respect me." or “If I get less points, my family will love my brother more.” Thoughts such as these occur. These thoughts create test anxiety.

3. Postponing studying: Postponing the study plan is very harmful to children and young people. Exam anxiety occurs due to the worry of not being able to finish the exam if they postpone it. In this case, they break their hopes and develop the belief of failure.

4. Irregular life: Sleep is the most important nutrient of our body. It is especially important in children and young people. As long as sleep is insufficient, conditions such as distraction, forgetfulness, fatigue, anger and exhaustion in children keep that person away from working. It is very difficult for him to achieve success when he is sleep deprived. It is difficult, and when not successful, the child becomes hopeless and stops working over time. At the same time, of course, the balance of eating and drinking is also important. The changes that occur in children as a result of not meeting such needs cause them to develop test anxiety.

5.Hereditary trait:Hereditary trait is very effective on anxiety. If there are anxious parents in the family, this situation is reflected on their children. Even if families are anxious, they should never reflect this on their children.

If families pay attention to these 5 features, their children will be prepared for the exam in a healthier and more confident manner. They will achieve more successful results. But let's say the desired result is not obtained, then what should families do?


Undoubtedly, every family member should He wishes his children to be successful. However, families should not only expect academic success from their children. They need to pay attention and be sensitive to the stress and anxiety their children experience. How should families behave in such a sensitive situation regarding their children's exam results?

1. Not to be anxious parents

2. to trust and to always make them feel that they trust

3.Families need to explain to their children that they cannot control everything and that they need to be stronger in the face of negative situations that may develop beyond control.

4. “You can do it if you work.” They should not use language based on cause and effect relationships such as. This sentence is used in children; “I tried but I couldn't do it, so my mind is not working. !” It creates a perception like this.

If such anti-anxiety behaviors are taken, our children can become more successful and responsible young people. Most importantly, we can keep our children's self-confidence strong. Thus, it will be more possible to see stories full of success.

5. Directing children to a profession that is compatible with their characters is among the most important items. If a child chooses a profession according to his character and intelligence type, he will be successful in that field. The probability of success is much higher. Families should not try to establish authority over children in this regard.

6.The intelligence of children should not be evaluated by the school they attended and the school scores they received.

7.In the academic field, there should be neither too dominant nor too relaxed an attitude towards children. If it is relaxed, it prevents the existing performance from being shown. It puts too much pressure and causes performance anxiety in the child.

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