Birth control methods in men

Withdrawal (coitus interruptus):

It is the discharge of semen outside the vagina during sexual intercourse. If ejaculation timing is not done properly or intercourse is attempted for the second time, the method will fail. It may cause decreased sexual satisfaction in partners.

Condom (hood, condom):

It is an effective and reliable method. It is worn as a sheath over the erect penis before entering the vagina during sexual intercourse. It collects sperm inside and prevents them from entering the vagina. Condoms should not be used if there is a hole, if the expiration date has passed, if there is an allergy to latex or to the substances used in the condom to lubricate or neutralize sperm. It also has advantages such as easy availability and protection from sexually transmitted diseases.


It is the most effective, reliable and permanent birth control method applied to men.
In vasectomy, the sperm ducts coming out of the testicles are tied, preventing the sperm from coming out. Vasectomy is a daily surgical procedure. It is applied with local anesthesia. Post-vasectomy protection begins three months after the procedure.

Sperms produced before the bonding day and moving through the ducts are reset within three months.
If no sperm is seen in the semen analysis to be performed after three months or after at least 20 ejaculations, vasectomy The operation is successful. After three months, semen analysis (spermiogram) should be performed and checked. Cell accumulation may occur as a result of an allergic reaction to shed sperm. Pain caused by increased pressure in the testicles over a long period of time can be seen in one in a thousand cases. Vasectomy has no effect on sexual potency, erection or sexual intercourse.

In order for vasectomy to be performed, both spouses must have their consent.< br />



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