Ways to Protect from High Blood Pressure

One in every 3 people in our country has high blood pressure. Almost half of high blood pressure patients are unaware of their disease. However, although genetic predisposition plays an important role, we can protect or control this disease by making changes in our lives.

How Can We Protect From High Blood Pressure Disease?

Unhealthy diet is a direct cause of high blood pressure. There is a relationship. Scientific studies have proven that a healthy and balanced diet plan reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure and also has a lowering effect on already high blood pressure. Reducing fatty foods with high cholesterol and foods rich in saturated fats and including fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat daily milk and dairy products balances blood pressure. Eating healthy, exercising, maintaining weight control... These are the things we need to protect ourselves from almost all diseases. Same goes for high blood pressure. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from high blood pressure, you should switch to a healthy life. Do not forget to add quitting smoking and limiting alcohol to your nutrition and exercise changes.

The World Health Organization says that 6 grams of salt consumption per day will be sufficient. We get this amount from our meals without taking any supplements. Therefore, removing the salt shakers from the table to the cabinets will be an important step in reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

There are some diseases that cause hypertension. The most important of these are kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, sleep apnea, diabetes and obesity. If you want to protect yourself from high blood pressure, you should also protect yourself from these diseases. On the other hand, you should go to the doctor regularly and have check-ups. As with many diseases, early diagnosis is important in hypertension. We especially recommend people over the age of 40 to have a check-up once a year.

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