How Do I Teach My Child to Take Responsibility?

Responsibility; Starting from early childhood, the child fulfills his duties in accordance with his age and level of development.

We undertake certain duties and responsibilities from the beginning of our life, except infancy.

As in all values ​​in our lives, responsibility Parents are responsible for the development of their children, but they must give them certain duties and responsibilities so that their children can stand on their own.

What should we do?

Inform the Child

Explain the reason for the behavior you want him to develop and why it is needed. The child who does not understand what needs to be done will not internalize the rules and will have difficulty in fulfilling his responsibilities.

Be a Role Model for the Child

Children take the behavior of their parents as an example. For this reason, it is important that parents fulfill the responsibilities they expect from their children. In cases where the parents do not fulfill their duties and responsibilities, asking the child to take responsibility in a similar incident is the child's response, "However, my parents do not do it, I do not have to do it either."

If we want our child to gain a behavior, we must act by example.

Give Opportunity to Make Choices

At every opportunity, express that their choices are important and valuable, and let them choose. Children who make choices both gain self-confidence and learn to take responsibility for the choices they make.

Don't Expect More Than You Can Do

We should not forget that every child is unique, so we should avoid expectations and unrealistic comparisons. We should know our child and take care to observe the skill limits while giving responsibility. Loading more than they can handle will create a lack of self-confidence and cause them to avoid responsible behavior.

Let them Try

We should let children try. Stepping in right away when he can't, "There's someone who does anyway, I don't need to do it." cause them to avoid the action by causing thoughts such as it could be boo. This will prevent the development of feelings of responsibility. It is important to be a guide rather than doing it for him at the point where he cannot do it.

Establish the Routine

It is necessary to do it repeatedly and regularly in order for a behavior to become a habit and to take responsibility. Since the responsibilities given at regular intervals will be perceived as a duty, they are not sufficient to reinforce the behavior.


Ages 2-3

Age 4-5

Ages 6-12

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