
Cancer is a disease that occurs when normal body cells multiply rapidly, without control, as a result of mutation.

It is a disease that ranks second after cardiovascular diseases among the deaths with known causes all over the world.

Cancer is 90%. It develops due to environmental and 10% genetic factors. The most important environmental factors are; smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, wrong diet and lifestyle, and excessive exposure to toxic chemicals. People who are known to be genetically predisposed to cancer should pay attention to a lifelong diet rich in antioxidants that neutralize toxic chemicals that cause cancer.

Environmental factors that increase the risk of cancer


Cooking red meat at high temperatures and very close to the fire (barbecue, döner) Heterocyclic amines formed by meat are carcinogenic and pose a risk, especially for colon cancer.


The nitrites contained in processed meat products (sausage, salami, soudjouk) turn into carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach, increasing the risk of stomach cancer in particular. Fruits and vegetables (vitamin C) suppress the conversion of nitrites to nitrosamines.


Heating (burning) vegetable oils at high temperatures can change fatty acids and the oil becomes carcinogenic.


In terms of food safety; Attention should be paid to carcinogens such as aflatoxin, which occurs naturally during food storage, pesticide residues used as preservative chemicals in fruits and vegetables, and moldy foods. Foods stored in a humid environment and moldy can produce toxins. r.





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