About Relationship Dynamics..

Encountering, choosing and being chosen was not a coincidence at all. When you look at it, we didn't match at all, it was so opposite, so contrasting side by side, that when you look at it from the outside, it's like they didn't happen. In the dynamics of our opposites, there was a side that united us. It is so complementary that it creates a whole with its combination, like putting a puzzle piece together and fitting it perfectly. The unconscious did not make random choices. Maybe one was at one end and the other was at the other, this choice was not accidental. Not to match, but somewhere inside, it hits such a dynamic that there was a side that unites and a side that drives away. Why walk away? A person clings to the other, to a certain extent, to the parts of himself that he sees as lacking. While we hold on to a part of ourselves that we see as lacking somewhere inside, that deficiency is actually a part of ourselves that we cannot stand, that we do not want to see, and try to keep somewhere inside. This is a side of us that both unites us and drives us apart. Why it's missing is precisely because we don't want to see it. Because we don't want to see it in ourselves... We have seen it in the other person, we have held on to it, but at a certain point it disturbs people, it pokes around in people's minds, and most of the time it makes them anxious. It makes you even more anxious when you try to make things happen. It affects the course of the relationship. If we can overcome the dynamics, we will be happy; if we cannot, we will try. Our anxiety either increases it, destroys the relationship, or alienates us from the other. It has such a unifying and distancing aspect. Part of us wants to see, wants to live our desire, part of us cannot tolerate seeing, even if we love, even if we live our desire. Somewhere in there it breaks our relationship. It affects the other person's ability to achieve our desire.

So what do we do? We will relieve our anxiety, analyze our dynamics, and accept our shortcomings as much as we can. We will overcome our own problems ourselves, without placing blame or blame on the other. Even if we don't realize it, we have experienced this in many of our relationships at some point. First we will realize what is about ourselves. Maybe it will be easier with the support of the other person, but without blaming...

Just like the puzzle piece fits there perfectly, but due to production, there is a paper-like piece left on the part where it will fit. We will tear off that piece of paper and fit it to the part where it should fit.


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