Don't Be Dependent Be Free

Substance addiction has become the most important problem of our age... Many of our young brains are dying. However, we need those young minds! Our young people, who shed light on the future, are dying before our eyes. The sales rates of the rapidly spreading drug in Turkey are increasing, and worse, the age of starting to use drugs is gradually decreasing. Fighting against drugs that destroy a person's spiritual and social life as well as their body, dehumanize people, and do not comply with any moral structure. We must make more efforts to protect our children, who are our future. Therefore, being informed about substance addiction and preventing this situation is very important in terms of treatment. Substance addiction brings with it many social, economic and psychological problems for society. This issue concerns the whole society. It is the duty of the entire society to protect our country's young generations. Let's inform our young people, let's help them overcome this problem together without wasting any time.

Almost everyone has witnessed under bridges, bus stops, metrobus crossings, side streets and children piled up... This is what we witness on television channels, too. The condition leaves children unable to walk. So, how does this happen and how does it affect the brain? Let's read and share together. Dear readers, substance addiction is in a cycle as you can see below.

Now I will write to you step by step how it occurs. First, it starts with curiosity and imitation among peers. Afterwards, occasional use begins for pleasure. Over time, he spends most of his time with matter. He wants to quit, but the brain does not allow it. Even though he wants to let go, the brain says that this cannot be let go and goes into war. He resorts to substances in every negative event he experiences in his life. He believes that it will cure him, it causes him to relax and unwind for a short time, but he does not realize that this short period of time will cost him a lifetime... As time passes, he does not use the substance, and then those withdrawal symptoms appear and he starts using it again. When addicted, they use it not for pleasure, not because of their experiences, but to feel normal. Do you know why our brain doesn't say stop? Our brain releases dopamine when we experience beautiful things, such as eating food, eating chocolate, sharing a loving moment with your spouse or friend. You feel happy and peaceful, then the dopamine level returns to its previous state and you continue your life where you left off. In people who use substances, this dopamine level occurs at very high levels. Unfortunately, over time, it becomes unable to control the impulse action, affecting the decision-making function of the brain, causing the person to make wrong decisions.

In addition, it disrupts the brain's functions such as learning and remembering newly acquired information. And the repetitive high amount of dopamine increase reduces the sense of pleasure from pleasurable things (chocolate, food, listening to music…) and causes the person to feel depressed and lifeless. He becomes unable to enjoy the things he used to enjoy. And the need to take substances emerges acutely. Unfortunately, matter, not the person, begins to rule the person. As if this wasn't enough, the zombie pill appears. This pill, which is a chemical synthetic drug, causes people to suddenly change their mood and lose control of their actions. This person, unaware of his aggressive actions, loses consciousness, his heartbeat accelerates, and he begins to have hallucinations, as we hear and see in the news. He even has a heart attack.

Now, I will sincerely share with you the information I acquired in the same hospital environment with people who previously had substance addiction;

First of all, while I was thinking about the reasons for starting to use drugs, one of the biggest reasons I witnessed was actually family. Insufficient or excessive attention, regular or irregular severe discipline and authority, communication between parent and child, lack of mutual understanding, domestic violence. It is necessary to create a peaceful family environment for the child, especially during adolescence. If the child looks outside for what he cannot find in the family, he will be doing the greatest harm to himself and you will be the reason for this. And the consequences of this may upset you. Personality problems; The incidence of substance disorder is higher in people who lack self-confidence, are depressed, introverted and asocial. . I would even like you to know this information; Personality disorders occur in people who are addicted to substances. In addition, I would like to touch upon the social environment. Environmental factors; The prevalence of drug addiction drags the person towards addiction in the form of imitation among peers. This adventure, which begins with people who are prone to addiction in their circle of friends saying that nothing will happen once, causes negative consequences. The general causes of substance addiction are as follows.

So, if you are wondering how to treat this, here you go;

Relatives of people with substance addiction are usually ashamed of this situation and hide it. What does EL ALEM say? Unfortunately, it has become the culture of our society... Do not let this saying become a part of your life. The more you run away, the more your child will become addicted to substances. First of all, accept that this is an illness and embrace your child and help him instead of being ashamed of him. The most important treatment is social support. While trying to support, be careful! Don't be a hindrance. When you come home, insulting people with words like "You drank again and left again" will trigger the person even more. Parents, follow your child in a healthy way. The treatment process is a long period and the probability of recurrence is very high. If the person cannot stay away from the substance, hospitalization may be required. If you do not have a financial preference for a private hospital, you can apply to AMATEM units free of charge.

To protect our young people, give them responsibility, instill self-confidence, and do not exhibit overprotective or overly irresponsible behavior towards your children, especially during adolescence. Belief in treatment begins with the person, the more determined and willful the person is, the higher the chance of success in the treatment. Let our main goal be to reintegrate the person into life and society. Remember, being a good observer means saving a life.

My movie suggestions that will interest you;

City of God (2002) | IMDb: 8.7

Requiem for a Dream (2000) | IMDb: 8.4

Scarface (1983) | IMDb: 8.3

Trainspotting (1996) | IMDb: 8.2

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) | IMDb: 8.2


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