“I Want to Quit Smoking”

With the effect of the recently added price increases, the idea of ​​quitting smoking may have started to seem more attractive than ever to you. In this article, I will share some of the techniques on what you can do to quit smoking. I start my article by reminding you that working with a specialist (psychiatrist or clinical psychologist) can help you get through this process in a healthier way.

I quit smoking and started again. Can I quit smoking again?

I used to smoke before. You may have tried to quit and not used for a few months/years, then maybe due to the influence of your circle of friends, during a conversation or at a time when you were stressed, you may have started again and continued this escapade by saying "this is the first and last time I smoked after a long time". This situation may have caused you to lose your motivation and may have brought to your mind phrases such as "I won't be able to quit again." It is at this point that we must tell ourselves a big stop. First of all, we must keep in mind that no matter how long our addictions have been with us, in life they are not our masters, we are their masters.

In this case, listing the situations and life events that cause you to quit smoking and start again and monitoring them by being aware of your own feelings and thoughts. It will be one of the important factors preventing recurrence. For example, you may be feeling very stressed before you start smoking again. It would be healthy to recognize this situation in advance and take precautions before it turns into behavior.

Methods for Taking Control in Quitting Smoking

Self-Awareness and Control: Self-control is the part where our thought of wanting to quit smoking and our quitting behavior combine with "conscious awareness". It includes the parts where we list and become aware of how many cigarettes we smoke a day, where and when we want to smoke more. This separates us from the "automatic" effect of smoking and allows us to look at this situation with a clear focus.

Self-Control: The prepared list is looked at again and the parts where "you cannot do without smoking" are determined. For example, even if you give up the first cigarette you smoke in the morning during the day, you should stop smoking the cigarette you smoke after dinner at the beginning of the therapy. It is a situation that you cannot do and is added to the list.

Making a Contract: Making a contract is a powerful motivation technique. Even if you have more than one gain from quitting smoking, do not forget to add a new one. In therapy, a contract can be prepared to strengthen your motivation to quit smoking and help you comply with your plans.

Paying the Price: I think the point where the Cognitive Behavioral theory is most "behavioral" in quitting smoking is the payment method. This method is basically based on depositing a certain amount of money for each cigarette smoked in a place or institution you do not like, when the planned smoking allowance is exceeded (For example, we have the right to smoke 5 cigarettes a day and we smoked 7 that day).

Source: Kent University Clinical Psychology Master's Degree, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Lecture Notes

Daily Planning and Healthy Life

Let's say we managed to stay away from smoking by applying our methods, or at least we are trying. This is where the concept of discipline and the necessity of maintaining the healthy life we ​​decide on comes into play. To achieve this, you may be advised to create daily plans and replace activities that associate you with smoking with “healthy” ones. For example, if you remember smoking when you meet your friend and drink coffee and chat, you can try going for a walk together or going to a dance class instead!

Remember, although nicotine is a physically and psychologically addictive substance, after a while you will become physically addicted when you start to get over the psychological part. Your desire also decreases compared to before. The best way to regulate habits is to replace our negative behaviors with positive ones and increase the frequency of positive ones.

You can give yourself small rewards to increase the frequency of positive behavior, but of course, what is ultimately desired is to develop internal motivation and see "not smoking" as a reward.

I wish you success in this journey where you can maintain your motivation and remember that you can return to a healthy life at any time, even when you feel like you are losing control.


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