Stress is a typical feature of the existence of everyday life. While a similar situation is not strange for another person, desires in daily life have a great physical and mental impact on a person. Although there are various hypothetical and applied stress studies, no consensus has been reached on the meaning of stress (Veach et al., 2003). Stress, one of the most basic medical issues in daily life (Kinman and Jones, 2003), has been portrayed in different ways by various creators. Some of these definitions stress "the body's physiological and mental responses (Sdorow, 1998), a situation that occurs as a result of the pressure of the physical and mental limits of the organism (Baltaş and Baltaş, 2000).
Today's rapid social, It is a period of political and monetary changes. Whether people can adapt to the progress that may occur in such processes is an important factor (Kara and Koç, 2009). As time passes, progress is increasing, existing ones are updated rapidly, individuals' needs are changing, and the issues in the plan are constantly evolving. Since individuals will adapt to the transformation in general, they are faced with a few difficulties now and again, and they often experience a logical inconsistency between surrendering or opposing the difficulties they face (Akgemci, 2001; Doğan & Eser, 2013).
Stress, as a rule, is an effort to adapt to changes in a person's life, problems in balance are experienced when adaptation to physical and other individuals and objects cannot be adjusted (Sahin 2007). Individuals may be faced with events that they will be in motion throughout their lives and that they want. Stress occurs when a person's qualities cannot adapt to this distress (Baltaş, 2007). Today, the idea of stress has come to the fore with the changes in daily environments, the technological developments brought by the age and the modernization of the period. The fact is that stress is a regular part of daily existence and has a serious burden of pressure, regardless of the fact that many people do not understand it (Güçlü, 2001). It is characterized as an incoming response (Hellriegel, 1992). Stress is an alternative In life, it is characterized as the effort where the person leaves his physical and mental restrictions behind due to the difficult conditions caused by the physical or social situation (Cüceleoğlu, 1993). In this way, stress that jeopardizes one's well-being reduces the individual's limit and has a persuasive effect (Akbağ, 2000; Ünal and ümmet, 2005). It is a logical evaluation that creates situations that are extremely undercomprehensible and cause pressures in the human body (Hesson & Olpin, 2012). In other words, stress, which should be centered in the business world and which directs the current work connections known as the plague of the age, is a definition that puts pressure on the person in business life, alienates the employee from the job and causes him to decrease his performance. He is making an intense effort against the idea of stress (Dewe et al., 2010) and its rise.
Basic features of definitions:
a ) stress is not a reaction that can be restrained by typical methods.
b) stress makes the individual more active from the normal state,
c) stress happens due to cooperation between individual and condition,
d) in anxiety, there is an appearance of risk and this impression of danger is high,
e) stress affects the whole organism of the person,
Same as other definitions, stress can be interpreted in different ways as “tension”, “fatigue”, “distress”, “congestion” and “congestion”. It can be said that it is closely identified with the “disturbed balance” (Okutan, 2002).
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