The spring season, which is starting to make itself felt, makes most of us happy. However, for those with allergies, spring is pollen flying everywhere; Runny nose, sneezing, redness and itching in the eyes means sleepless nights and ongoing tiredness throughout the day.
In people with allergies, runny nose, itching, congestion, sneezing and eye problems that occur due to inhalation of pollen, especially in the spring months. Complaints such as itching are called pollen allergy, but also called hay fever.
Pollens, also known as flower dust, are actually the reproductive seeds of flowers, and millions of them are released into nature and the environment we live in every year. They are too small to be seen with the naked eye. As we know, pollen is spread by wind or by bees and insects. The pollen of the colorful, fragrant plants around us, especially ornamental plants, is sticky and heavy, carried by insects, and is not commonly found in the air. People with allergies may only experience complaints if they get too close to these plants. Keeping patients away from these plants prevents the formation of complaints.
Pollens that are important in the formation of pollen allergy or hay fever are pollens that are common in the air and spread by the wind. Pollen of flowerless green plants is carried by winds. Since these pollens can be carried kilometers away by the wind, it is not necessary for the patient to be close to these plants. Sometimes the pollen of a tree can spread over an area of more than 150 kilometers and affect allergic people within this area. Therefore, it is very difficult to protect. We often cannot see the trees and plants that we are allergic to, but unfortunately their pollen is in the air. That's why people with allergies say that their complaints increase in windy weather.
Complaints such as runny nose, itching, congestion, sneezing and itching in the eyes, which occur in people with allergies due to inhalation of pollen, especially in the spring months, are called pollen allergy and are also called hay fever.
With the arrival of spring months. runny nose and itching Complaints of congestion, sneezing, itching and redness in the eyes begin. Complaints increase every year and asthma symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing may appear over time.
The pollen dissemination period of each plant varies. We can divide the pollen spread into the environment from the plants we see in nature as meadow pollen, tree pollen, and weed pollen. These pollens are produced every year, even if the climate conditions change and depending on the plant structure of the region:
- Tree pollen: in February-April
- Meadow Pollen: in May-July
- Wild grass pollen: It is accepted that it is spread into the air in August-October.
Pollen Allergic response, which is valid for allergy as well as other allergic diseases, is an impaired immunity that occurs with the contribution of environmental factors to a genetic predisposition existing in the person. Allergy is an undesirable, harmful and extreme response of the body's immune system to substances called allergens, such as pollen, which enter our body from the external environment.
Pollens are perceived as foreign substances by our body, and depending on the excessive response to these foreign substances, the nose is Complaints of discharge, itching, congestion, sneezing, itching and redness in the eyes begin.
The spring season, which begins to make itself felt, affects most of us. It makes you happy. However, for those with allergies, spring is pollen flying everywhere; Runny nose, sneezing, redness and itching in the eyes, sleepless nights and ongoing fatigue throughout the day.
Pollen allergy, which occurs with the start of the pollen season, can lead to many more complaints. Especially in patients who have been allergic to pollen for many years, we encounter many complaints due to damage to other organs.
What are these:
With the arrival of spring months, nose Complaints of discharge, itching, congestion, sneezing, itching and redness in the eyes begin. Their complaints increase every year and asthma symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing may appear over time.
It is beneficial for adult patients with symptoms of pollen allergy to see an allergist. If you have pollen allergy symptoms, you need to be examined and allergy tests should be done to make a diagnosis.
Pollen allergy, one of the allergic diseases, affects many organs, as in other diseases. When complaints of runny nose, congestion and sneezing begin, people often go to ENT doctors, but the disease is not limited to the nose and throat. When there is itching and watering in the eyes, we go to an ophthalmologist, but allergy is limited only to our eyes. will not remain. When shortness of breath and wheezing develop, it is monitored by pulmonologists with the diagnosis of asthma or by dermatology for accompanying eczema atopic dermatitis complaints. That is why it is very important that the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases are carried out by allergists.
As with all allergic diseases, if the correct diagnosis is made, the symptoms of pollen allergy can be controlled with the right medications and it is not necessary to go to many doctors. Allergists reveal which allergens one is allergic to, how to treat them, and whether an allergy vaccine is required.
If you have complaints of runny nose, itching, congestion and sneezing with the emergence of pollen in the spring season, it is necessary to determine whether these complaints are allergic or not. If you have decided to go to an allergist to diagnose your complaints compatible with pollen allergy, we will try to give you information about how to prepare
Should I go to an Allergist for Pollen Allergy
Allergy specialists other They are doctors who are very experienced in diagnosing pollen allergy as well as allergic diseases and who have special training in this regard and are also internal medicine specialists. For this reason, it is beneficial to go to an allergist if possible.
When you go to an allergist, it will be diagnosed whether your complaints are allergic or whether they are related to other diseases. For example, the complaints of some patients with nasal congestion may be due to underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). The importance of treating thyroid-related disease is explained. Allergists are also internal medicine specialists.
You Should Not Stop Some Medications Before Going to the Doctor for Allergic Rhinitis
If you have decided to go to the doctor for pollen allergy and, if possible, have used it before Some of your allergy medications, cough and cold medications, and antidepressants, especially antihistamines, need to be stopped. Allergy testing may be required to diagnose Pollen Allergy, and unfortunately these medications can also cause allergies. Since these medications will affect the results of the test, these medications should be stopped at least 1 week in advance by asking the doctor. Nasal sprays and breath fresheners do not affect allergy testing. It does not need to be cut. Additionally, you do not need to stop blood pressure, thyroid or diabetes medications that the patient is using for other diseases. If you are using antibiotics, you do not need to stop them.
There is no need to starve
There is usually no need to fast for the tests required to diagnose Pollen Allergy. For this reason, it is beneficial to come with breakfast.
The spring season, which has started to make itself felt, makes most of us happy. It does. However, for those with allergies, spring is pollen flying everywhere; Runny nose, sneezing, redness and itching in the eyes mean sleepless nights and ongoing fatigue throughout the day.
Pollen allergy, which begins in the spring season in adults, is a serious health problem that affects both the health and social life of people and disrupts their quality of life. Pollen allergy does not only cause a runny nose, itching, congestion and sneezing, but unfortunately it brings other health problems in the future. Allergy tests are required to diagnose adults with Pollen Allergy. We tried to answer for you what needs to be done to diagnose pollen allergy and how to perform the tests
Why is Pollen Allergy Diagnosis in Adults Important?
Rhinorrhea, congestion, itching and Repeated sneezing may not always be pollen. When you go to an allergist, it will be diagnosed whether your complaints are allergic or related to other diseases. Once a pollen allergy is diagnosed, your treatment will change and other diseases such as advanced asthma may be prevented. For this reason, it is important to diagnose pollen allergy.
What should be checked for the diagnosis of pollen allergy in adults?
Every year, due to the spread of pollen in the environment with the arrival of spring months. In the same period, complaints of runny nose, congestion, itching and repeated sneezing were common.
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