Step by Step IVF Treatment


The first step of in vitro fertilization treatment is the training provided by the in vitro fertilization coordinator. At this stage, information is given about the procedures, the plan of the treatment and how it will be carried out are explained, you are taught how to take your medications yourself and the necessary consent forms are signed.


The basis of in vitro fertilization treatment, It means taking the woman's ovaries under complete control. Some drug treatments are applied for this purpose.

While these drugs prevent you from ovulating before the desired time; It is administered as a nasal spray or as an injection under the skin. You will be given the necessary training to use it yourself.


The success of in vitro fertilization treatment depends on the production of a large number of eggs in the woman's ovaries. For this purpose, the ovaries, which are kept under control with the previously mentioned drugs, are stimulated with drugs that stimulate egg development. These medications are injections administered under the skin or intramuscularly.

It takes approximately 10 days for the ovaries to be stimulated with these medications. During this process, you need to be checked several times to monitor your egg development. During these checks, your ultrasonography is performed and when necessary, the hormone levels in your blood are checked and the dosage of your medications is adjusted.


During the follow-up of egg development, the day when it is determined that a sufficient number of eggs have matured is the day when the eggs are at their earliest. hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) injection is made to complete the last developmental stage. Egg retrieval is scheduled for 36 hours after this last drug injection. During egg collection, sedatives and sleep-inducing medications may be given, or the entire procedure may be performed under anesthesia. The procedure is similar to the vaginal ultrasonography performed during your egg development follow-ups. The only difference is that a needle connected to a vaginal ultrasonography device is passed through the vagina and collects the eggs in your ovaries. The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. The fertilization process with sperm cells takes place on the day the eggs are collected. It is cultivated. Following the collection of eggs, the couple is discharged from the hospital after 2-3 hours of rest. The couple is informed about the drugs to be used after this stage of in vitro fertilization treatment.


One day after the eggs are collected, the couple is informed about how many of the eggs were fertilized normally. After this stage, normally fertilized eggs are monitored in the laboratory for 2 to 5 days, and at the appropriate time, the highest quality ones are selected in a certain number and placed back into the mother's uterus. The couple is informed about when this placement process will be carried out.


Before the transfer process, which is the last stage of in vitro fertilization treatment, the couple is informed about the number and quality of embryos to be transferred. . The transfer process is no different from a very simple inspection process. No anesthesia is required. All that is required before the transfer is for the expectant mother to drink water and fill her bladder a little. Because the transfer process is performed under ultrasonographic observation and for this, the bladder must be somewhat full. During the transfer process, a catheter loaded with embryos is passed through the vagina and cervix and placed into the uterus, and the embryos are deposited into the uterus. If good quality embryo or embryos are left behind after the implantation process, the couple's consent is obtained and these embryos are frozen and stored for future use.

After resting in the hospital for 3-4 hours after the transfer, the couple is sent home and the woman is asked to spend that day resting. To support the development of pregnancy, progesterone, estrogen and/or HCG supplementation can be started after egg retrieval or embryo transfer. It is possible to learn the result of in vitro fertilization treatment with a pregnancy test performed 14 days after the transfer. If your test is positive, an ultrasound appointment will be made 3 weeks later to observe your baby's heartbeat.

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