Signs and symptoms to be aware of in terms of heart diseases in newborns and babies

Signs and signs to be aware of in terms of heart diseases in newborns and babies

1. Bruising and fainting while crying

2. Feeding difficulties

3. Getting tired easily, shortness of breath and respiratory distress while sucking

4. Not gaining enough weight

5. Cold sweat from forehead

6. Swelling in the eyelids

7. Hearing a murmur during a doctor's examination

8. Having congenital heart disease in parents and siblings

Signs and signs to be aware of in terms of heart diseases in children

1. Fainting while running or after sudden excitement

2. Sudden onset palpitations

3. Chest pain that begins with exertion

4. Respiratory distress

5. Epilepsy (seizures) of unexplained cause

6. Frequently recurring respiratory infections

7. Pain and swelling in the knees following feverish sore throat

8. Growth and development retardation

9. Hearing a murmur that is thought to be different from an innocent murmur during a doctor's examination

10. Sudden death in the family without cause

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