We can talk about some basic rules for the ideal working position.
First of all, the computer monitor should be within arm's reach.
The ideal desk height at which you will work should be such that, after all, your arm
is away from your body. Have your front at a 20 degree angle and the angle at your elbow between 90 degrees
and 120 degrees. There should be sponge pads in front of the keyboard and in front of the mouse pad that you can place your wrist on. The
working light on the table should come from the back or side.
The ideal seat height you will sit on should be such that;
as a result, the angle between the sole of your foot and your leg at your ankles is the
angle at your knee. and the angle of your waist should be between 90 degrees and 120 degrees and the soles of your feet should be on the ground. The back of your chair should allow your back to be inclined from your waist to the back at an angle of
30 degrees, but it should have a spring structure that accompanies you when your waist moves forward. Of course, you should not forget to get up and walk around every 45
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