When we look at the increasing incidents of violence today, we can say that many people are exposed to various traumatic events every day. Many factors such as terrorist incidents, war, and accidents affect our children psychologically. The reaction of adults to such traumas and social events sets an example for children! Therefore, be careful…
Psychologist Emel Güler from Okan University Hospital states that the factors that create trauma in people are in 3 groups.
strong> (Torture, rape, violence, terrorism)
UNINTENTIONAL TRAUMA CAUSED BY HUMAN HANDS (Vehicle accidents, work accidents)
NATURAL DISASTERS (Earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane)
However, the most painful ones for people are rape, terrorism and violence. Okan University Hospital Psychologist Emel Güler said that such events occur voluntarily by human hands and added: "These traumatic events can change our world perception of ourselves and our environment and shake our belief that 'the world is a safe place'. However, negative life events do not always have a traumatic effect. Trauma is defined as 'ordinary or extraordinary experiences that threaten the physical integrity of the individual, terrify them, leave them helpless, and are a source of distress for everyone. "If there are symptoms of re-experiencing the event after the trauma, avoidance of stimuli that remind of the trauma, and a constant state of arousal, it is considered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."
Children Take Adult Reactions as Examples in Traumatic Events!
According to psychologist Emel Güler, children have repetitive memories after traumatic events. Resurgence of traumatic memories is seen through recurring dreams or repetitive play themes. Children may react differently to the same traumatic events. The stage of the child's development process may vary depending on his/her environmental support, relationship with parents, level of psychological resilience and many other factors. When children are faced with a traumatic event, they do not know how to make sense of it. Therefore, the adults they depend on They take them as models by observing their reactions to events. Sometimes they may behave in the exact opposite way. They may develop very different reactions than before the event.
What Symptoms Can Children Show After a Traumatic Event?
First of all, children show adaptation problems after an event that will have a traumatic effect on them. School-related problems, sleep-related problems, attention problems, hyperactivity, physical complaints, unreasonable crying, regression behaviors such as thumb sucking and bedwetting, fear, anger, anxiety and aggression, and startle reactions may be observed. However, all these symptoms should be evaluated by a specialist whether they are signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Children May Have Difficulty in Making Sense of Their Traumatic Experience and Returning to Their Normal Lives Like Adults
< According to Psychologist Emel Güler, who says that adults should not forget that children take them as a model and should take an active role in the process of making sense of the events experienced by children, basically what adults should do in this period can be stated as follows: It is important to explain to children that the events are possible and can happen anywhere in the world. . It should be conveyed that children's reactions to the situation they experience are normal and they should be told that they are in a safe environment together. They should be enabled to return to their lives before the negative event as quickly as possible. When it comes to the loss of a relative, children should be allowed to experience the mourning process together and sharing their feelings with them should not be avoided. After traumatic events, children need to be listened to as well as to express their feelings and thoughts. This expression can also be observed in the game themes they often play. Repetitive play themes actually support the transfer of the child's inner world. Therefore, they should be supported and supported very carefully and attentively.Read: 0