If you feel the need to check your phone frequently, constantly think about what to share, and worry when there is no internet, be careful! With the introduction of Social Media into our lives a long time ago, people's "self-perception" (how the individual perceives himself spiritually and physically) has also begun to change.

Recently. The desire to increase the number of followers and to be liked on social media leads to self-confusion in people. Psychiatrist Dr. Uğur Hatıloğlu gave information about the negative effects of social media on people.

Recently, we love, We couldn't spend our day without taking a look at the lives of the people we fell in love with, liked, worked with and wondered about.

  • Where does he go?
  • What does he eat?
  • What does he like?
  • Does he follow the agenda?
  • What kind of comments and quotes does he share?
  • Etc. While looking for answers to questions, we start to analyze what kind of person the person is.

    In line with almost all of these, we approach and treat the person according to the information we obtain from social media. As if the comments, pictures and feelings shared by the person really reflect themselves! Since we recognize people based on their virtual identities, this may cause some confusion in real life. For example; It is virtually impossible to understand how angry the other person really is about something you think makes them angry. As a result, differences of opinion may be deeper than expected. It can also lead to endless arguments and damage relationships.

    People use social media to reflect their inner selves the most. They use it to caress the self-loving (narcissistic) side. As the number of likes of the shared post increases, the tendency to share more of that type also increases. Likewise, as the number of likes decreases, the person immediately asks:

  • Did I publish something wrong these days?
  • Where did I make a mistake?
  • Etc. Due to anxiety, he does things he wouldn't do in normal life and shows himself differently than he is.

    This can lead to low self-esteem (feelings of inadequacy, emptiness) and trigger depression. However, our worthiness or sufficiency does not depend on people instantly pressing the "like" button.

    From another perspective; Some people say that the number of likes is unimportant when sharing on social media, that they use social media as they please, that it does not matter who does what or what is thought of them. This may indicate that people have high self-confidence and independence in character. However, on the contrary, one should not be deceived by appearances. Because these people may feel that they are 'inadequate'or'worthless'more than they think.

    Recently, systems to increase the number of followers on social media have become very popular. The higher the number of followers a person has, the more positively they are perceived. They are thought of as more popular, more social, more admired, living a better life, happier, more hopeful, brighter people. On the contrary, if the number of followers is low; They are perceived as ordinary, like everyone else, normal, obscure, asocial and introverted. This situation may trigger feelings of unhappiness and thoughts of worthlessness in the person. Just as it is unrealistic to be happy about ourselves when people say 'like' for us, being less than this does not mean that the person is 'worthless' or 'insufficient'.

    Social media can really lead to positive changes in our lives if used consciously. Using social media for different purposes, rather than as a way to feel 'valuable' or 'adequate', can make you feel better. Conscious social media use; It can enable you to connect and communicate with the people you love and care about in today's busy times. Informing people about your life by sharing your positive or negative experiences can prevent you from giving information to people one by one and thus wasting your time. What do you do about your job? Showing people what you can do can positively affect your success.

    Psychiatric support is required in cases of unhappiness, worthlessness, demoralization, constantly thinking about what to post on social media, the need to check the phone frequently, and increased anxiety levels when there is no internet.


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