If I Don't Eat At Night, I'm Actually Skinny

It's okay if I don't eat anything until dinner, but oh, don't I have anything to eat that night? If you are one of those who say, this article is for you! What we know as night eating syndrome is a never-ending desire to consume snacks that starts with dinner and continues until bedtime. In fact, we can call it a type of eating disorder. So how do we prevent this? Is it possible to cut out food at night? Of course….

First of all, we should know that this is a vicious circle. When you start eating at night, you wake up full in the morning. Life starts just fine without having breakfast in the morning. Because you ate at night and you don't need to eat in the morning. Since you cannot meet the needs of the body that starts working in the morning, the metabolic rate begins to decrease. As blood sugar drops in the afternoon, you slowly try to cope with sweet cravings and carbohydrate attacks. You think that you have overcome these attacks due to the busy pace of the day, and when you come home in the evening and start eating, you realize that you cannot get enough. This is how nighttime refrigerator addiction begins. So, if this is the case, how can I edit this? First of all, give your body what it needs during the day and have breakfast so that your metabolism does not brake itself! Then, add a nice snack between 15:00 and 17:00, when blood sugar and serotonin (happiness hormone) are lowest, to prevent you from eating at night. In this way, you will close the food page with dinner, as you will not feel the need to snack at night.

Actually, the problem is solved with a good breakfast and a balanced snack in the afternoon. If you feel like a refrigerator mouse, I suggest you try organizing this meal yourself.

I wish you days when you have the body you dream of.

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