We have all felt less energetic on a cold winter day. The days are much shorter in winter compared to summer and spring. In addition, since the number of cloudy days is high, it causes us to see less sunlight. We may feel depressed because we see less sunlight. There is a term for this depressive state, seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is basically the depressed state that a person feels due to a certain season of the year. Especially winter months are very suitable for feeling depressed due to physical conditions.
Causes of Winter Depression
Although the exact cause is unknown, we can list a few features that may cause winter depression:
Circarian rhythm: Our body has its own internal time mechanism. This mechanism is called Cirdacrian rhythm. Thanks to this mechanism, our body eats and sleeps in a certain order during the day. As we begin to see less sunlight in the winter months, our internal clock, which is shaped according to the conditions of the sun, may be negatively affected.
Seeing less sunlight reduces the rate of serotonin, the happiness hormone of the brain.
During seasonal changes, the level of melatonin, which keeps the body balanced, changes.
All these changes can make us feel more unhappy and depressed.
Symptoms of Winter Depression
Feeling depressed most of the day
No longer enjoy activities you used to enjoy not taking
Feeling less energetic
Sleeping too much
More Wanting to consume a lot of carbohydrates
Feeling tired all the time
Feeling guilty and hopeless
Suicidal thoughts
These symptoms are actually similar to symptoms of depression. But what is important here is what triggers these symptoms. If these symptoms appear with winter, winter depression may be considered.
What may be the consequences of winter depression?
Winter depression, which is a type of depression, can lead to important consequences in a person's life. . Especially socially It may cause him to withdraw. Which makes the situation worse. A person who already feels depressed will feel even more depressed when he withdraws socially, thus entering into a vicious circle. At the same time, problems arise because it will be difficult to focus academically and at work. The person may even face dangerous consequences, including death, due to suicidal thoughts.
Ways to get rid of winter depression
There are several methods we can try to improve a situation that can have such serious consequences. :
Light therapy: Since most of the reasons are related to the lack of sunlight, light therapy, known as light therapy in the world, can be considered.
Do sports.
Go out on sunny days
Make your daily schedules more clear
Take a vacation if you can
Keep a diary and express your feelings
Take vitamin D supplement
When the small-scale suggestions mentioned above do not work, the help of an expert should be considered. Because depression can be a problem that requires intervention because its symptoms include suicide and significantly reduces the quality of life.
Winter, the season of darkness and short days, can make us feel depressed. In addition to all the physical effects, the way we make sense of life will affect depressive feelings. Even when you feel hopeless about everything and everyone, remember, the end of winter is spring.
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