The increase in chronic diseases with advanced age, weakness in the immune system, damage to tissues and the use of many medications increase the risk of infection. While virus infections, which are frequently seen in society, are often overcome without problems in young-middle-aged individuals, they last longer in older individuals due to some of the reasons mentioned above and sometimes progress and cause life-threatening bacterial infections.


Next Especially with age, upper respiratory tract infections easily progress to the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia. Pneumonia in the elderly causes hospitalization and even intensive care admission. When hospital and intensive care stays are prolonged, it can cause death due to severe nosocomial infections.


Studies have shown that vaccination is very valuable in older ages, as well as in childhood.


The current vaccination schedule for older ages is given below:

X: Required

XX: In risky individuals


1. Pneumonia vaccine (X)


If the person is over 65 years of age and has never been vaccinated before, conjugated pneumococcal vaccine is 13 valent. Polysaccharide vaccine-23 valent after 1 year.


If the person is over 65 years of age and has previously received polysaccharide 23 valent vaccine at an age over 65 and 1 year has passed, conjugated 13 valent vaccine



If the person is over the age of 65 and has previously received the polysaccharide 23-valent vaccine when he was under the age of 65 and 1 year has passed, he should first receive the conjugated 13-valent vaccine and after 1 year he should receive the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine.




A booster should be given every 10 years


3.Influenza (flu)(X)


Must be seen every year between September and October


4.Hepatitis B(X)


In individuals who have not had an infection, that is, do not have natural immunity, the first dose should be administered followed by a total of 3 doses to be repeated in the 1st and 6th months.


5.Hepatitis A(X)


Individuals without natural immunity A total of 2 doses to be repeated in the 6th month after the first dose.




6.Herpes Zoster(X)


1 dose over 65 years of age


7.Chicken pox, varicella)(XX)


It's not routine. For risky individuals, 2 doses 1 month apart, if not done before


8.Meningococcus (XX)


For risky individuals, travel to risky geographies 1 dose for those who will take it.

those with cell anemia, those who will undergo bone marrow transplantation) 3 doses with an interval of 4 weeks.

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