The Importance of Nutrition in Reflux Treatment

Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Uğur Dokuzlar said that the most important beginning of treatment for reflux disease is to pay attention to one's eating habits.

Ear Nose Throat and Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Uğur Dokuzlar said that the most important beginning of treatment for reflux disease is to pay attention to one's eating habits. K.B.B. states that reflux generally means that food comes back from the stomach to the esophagus due to malfunction of the door in the stomach passage under the esophagus. and Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Uğur Dokuzlar said, "In laryngopharyngeal reflux (throat reflux), some symptoms occur as a result of the irritation caused by the stomach contents reaching the throat. Since the structures in the throat are more resistant to stomach acid than the esophagus due to their delicate structures, the stomach contents sometimes cause damage to the throat even if they do not contain acid. For this reason, reflux occurs." "50 percent of patients with throat complaints do not have chest pain or stomach complaints, which are classic gastric reflux symptoms," he said. Stating that there is no known definitive cause of throat reflux, Op. Dr. Uğur Dokuzlar said, "Research on this subject has suggested that it may be due to a problem in the functioning of the valve mechanism, which is located at the top of the esophagus and prevents the stomach contents from escaping upward. This valve is normally closed, and during swallowing, it opens briefly during the passage of the food down, allowing swallowing. Throat "Patients with reflux generally experience the feeling of a mass in the throat, pain or hesitation when swallowing, voice cracking, frequent tickling cough-throat clearing, and a feeling of constant postnasal drip. Stomach complaints accompanying these complaints may be minimal; some patients may even have none at all," he said. . Stating that the diagnosis of throat reflux can be made by carefully listening to the patient's complaints and detailed examination, Dokuzlar said, "With the endoscopes we frequently use in ear, nose and throat practice, the areas up to the entrance of the esophagus are evaluated and findings of tissue damage caused by acid can be detected. In the treatment of throat reflux, stomach acid formation Medicines to reduce and prevent reflux formation are given. However, the most important step of the treatment is the changes the patient will make regarding his nutrition. It is necessary not to lie down or lie down for at least 2-3 hours after meals. An individual with reflux should stay away from foods that have been clearly shown to increase reflux, such as all kinds of coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks such as soda and cola, and alcohol. Apart from these, you should eat small amounts and frequently, and avoid eating too much at once or staying hungry for a long time. The stomach should not be filled to the brim. "A diet high in protein and low in fat should be followed," he said.

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