The liver is one of our largest organs. It is located in the upper right part of the abdomen and its weight in an adult human is approximately 1.5 kg.
The liver acts as a filter for all substances passing into the blood through the digestive system.
- It filters incoming nutrients. It transforms into building blocks and functional substances necessary for our body.
- It stores some nutrients, energy sources and vitamins to be used when our body needs them.
- It removes harmful substances from the body. By synthesizing bile acids, it facilitates the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins we take with food. ) or other reasons (gallstone obstruction)It is an inflammatory reaction.
Jaundice seen in newborn babies, jaundice due to gallstones or liver disorder due to other reasons. Jaundice caused by hepatitis is not 'Viral hepatitis'that is, infectious jaundice.
Viral hepatitis, hepatitis viruses (A,B,C,D:Delta, E, G viruses)or, more rarely, with viruses that cause other diseases (Herpes, EBV, CMV virus, etc.)All viral hepatitis is contagious, However, their transmission methods and transmission capacities are different.Hepatitis A and E are mainly transmitted through food and beverages; Hepatitis B, C, D and G can be transmitted through blood, material contaminated with blood and body fluids, or by close contact.
- Blood transfusion,
- Work that requires close contact with blood. working (doctor, nurse, laboratory worker),
- Needle injuries,
- Intravenous drug use (syringe sharing),
- Tooth extraction and dental treatment interventions performed with materials that are not properly sterilized,
- Surgical interventions performed with materials that are not properly sterilized,
- Hemodialysis,
- Sexual contact
- Transmission from the mother during birth
; are the most important transmission routes.
In our country, hepatitis is known as jaundice, and also latent jaundice, contagious. jaundice, microbial jaundice, snow It is also defined by names such as jaundice. Jaundice may be seen in patients with hepatitis, but most patients can have the disease without visible jaundice.
- Hepatitis Symptoms
Symptoms depend on the type of hepatitis microbe. It varies depending on the course of the disease. Hepatitis can be diagnosed in some patients without any symptoms or jaundice. In some patients, all or some of the symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, itching, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, and fever may be observed. If jaundice has not occurred, these symptoms can easily be confused with other diseases.
Examination findings are not sufficient for diagnosis, even if jaundice is present. It is necessary to know tests such as ALT, AST and bilirubin level, which indicate liver damage. After diagnosing hepatitis, the second stage is to determine the cause of jaundice. The only way to understand which type of jaundice a person has or whether he is still a carrier or a patient is to have a blood test.
No matter which type of jaundice he has, similar findings occur, and a clear distinction, that is, which type of hepatitis he has, can only be understood with a blood test. With blood tests, the type of jaundice you have can be easily determined, usually on the same day. The test method called ELISA method is frequently used to detect the hepatitis agent.
- Hepatitis Prevention Methods
Protection measures are primarily for the spouse and children and the same It should be planned to include people in the home environment. The first thing to do is to determine whether these people are still infected with the virus or immune (those who have had the infection and recovered, so they will not be infected again). In the next stage, vaccination and other protection methods should be applied. Each type of jaundice is unique and does not provide protection from other types of jaundice. For example, someone who has had typeAjaundice is protected only from typeAjaundice, but not fromB, Cor Ejaundice. Similarly, someone who has been vaccinated against type B jaundice may only develop type B jaundice. It is protected from diarrhea, but not, for example, from type A jaundice. In addition, each jaundice microbe is separate and there is no possibility of them turning into each other.
There is currently no protective vaccine for hepatitisC. Hepatitis A is mainly transmitted through water and food. Personal hygiene is important for protection and a vaccine is available. If the hepatitis virus is not monitored and treated, cirrhosis (chronic, widespread and progressive liver inflammation) may develop in the following years, as will liver cancer, liver failure, and fulminant hepatitis in a very short time. Complications may develop, such as a fatal type of disease that leads to liver failure.
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