Aesthetic Genital Surgery (Vagina Aesthetics)

There are many new surgical techniques within the aesthetic genital (vaginal aesthetics) surgery trend, which has started in recent years, especially in the USA. Such surgical procedures have been criticized in an article recently published in the British Medical Journal, and the US-based 'designer vagina' trend is deemed unnecessary.

It is an absolute fact that this issue is open to debate. However, it should not be forgotten that at the center of the issue is the issue of women expressing their sexuality and enjoying sexuality through vaginal renewal.

In today's society, where women have begun to have equal rights with men in many matters, their freedom to change the appearance of their sexual area and their awareness of enjoying sexuality should also be accepted by society.

Genital Region Anatomy

There may be serious differences in the anatomy of the genital region from person to person. However, in general, there are outer lips (labium majus), inner lips (labium minus), and clitoris in the middle at the top. Generally, the lips extend to the lowest part of the perineum at the bottom and to the clitoris at the top. Rarely, an enlargement of the clitoris may occur due to various drugs such as steroids or structurally. The clitoris is the counterpart of the male penis in embryonic life. Approximately 8000 nerve endings are located in this region, and this number is approximately twice that of the male sexual organ.

Theoretically, it can be said that the more tissue on the clitoris, the more difficult sexual arousal will be. Just below the clitoris, between the labia minora, there is the entrance to the urethra (urinary tract) and below it, the entrance to the vagina. The hymen is a thin circular piece of tissue located just at the entrance of the vagina. Hymen can also have various anatomical shapes. The hairy area located upwards from the lips is called mons pubis (Latin meaning Hill of Venus).

It is possible to change the appearance of the female genital area by applying various surgical interventions. After some interventions, sexual functions also improve.

As aesthetic surgical interventions become more accepted in society and the place of women in society changes, more women have genital area problems. Some women think that the appearance or shape of the genital area prevents them from having a happy sexual life with their partner.

The most frequently used genital aesthetic interventions are vaginoplasty (vagina tightening) and labiaplasty (lip reduction) operations. Less commonly, liposuction for the mons pubis, fat injection into the labium majus or minuses, increasing sensitivity by removing tissue around the clitoris, Laser genital skin resurfacing and hymenoplasty (hymenoplasty) operations performed for cultural reasons are performed.

Labioplasty (Surgical Techniques Related to Inner and External Lips)

Labium minus reduction:
It is a reduction operation performed for the labium minus (inner lips) with various methods. Reducing the inner lips is one of the most commonly used interventions in aesthetic genital surgery. Generally, women who think that their labia are too large, saggy, or do not look aesthetically pleasing apply for this operation. It can also be applied to eliminate the difference in size or appearance between the labia. Some women express that tight clothing, physical activity such as cycling, or sexual intercourse are uncomfortable. It is a very simple procedure that can generally be performed even under local anesthesia. Various incision methods can be used. Choosing the incision site well is important to prevent painful contracture formation after surgery. Two types of incision methods are commonly used. In the first method, the tissue on the labium minus edge can be removed up to the clitoris through a Y-shaped incision. It may be preferred especially for patients with longer labia. For patients with shorter labia, tissue can be removed by making a V-shaped incision in the area where the labium is widest. Self-dissolving suture material can be used in both methods. It can be performed under general anesthesia, sedation or local anesthesia after topical anesthesia. Labioplasty is the name given to surgeries that aesthetically reduce the genital inner lips, which are larger, wider, wrinkled and sagging than normal, by cutting them at the entrance to the vagina.

For genital plastic surgeries performed by gynecologists Labiaplasty surgeries included in the surgery can also be called "inner lip aesthetics".

Labioplasty surgeries are in the group of vaginal aesthetic surgeries performed to enable people to be satisfied with the external genital area as they wish. Labiaplasty surgeries have functional benefits other than cosmetic purposes.

It is generally a congenital condition that the inner lips are larger and wider than normal. It increases with the hormonal effect, especially during adolescence. We can also say that this condition is not actually a disease, but just an anatomical (structural) variation that varies from person to person.

On the other hand, in some people, due to chronic irritation (such as fungal infection, itching or friction) and hereditary (genetic) reasons, the inner lips may be larger than normal, have a larger surface, be wrinkled and saggy. Among hormonal causes, taking androgen hormones is also a cause of labial hypertrophy.

Retraction of the lips and births may also cause sagging and enlargement of the inner lips. In addition, as we get older, sagging, fraying and wrinkles may increase in the inner lips, just like in the skin tissue of our entire body. Darkening and browning of the genital inner lips may also occur due to hormonal reasons.

In some cases, congenital unilateral asymmetry may occur (Labial asymmetry). Labiaplasty operations performed in cases of labial asymmetry are also extremely satisfactory. Some of our patients tell us that the growth in their inner lips appeared during adolescence, while others tell us that it has always been there since birth.

In a very few of our patients who apply to us, their inner lips may have been damaged as a result of genital traumas such as traffic accidents or bicycle accidents when they were children. Sexual plastic surgeries are also very satisfactory for these patients. In women whose inner lips are wider and larger than normal, problems such as lack of self-confidence and feeling psychologically inadequate towards their partners arise.

It is every woman's right to look naturally beautiful and aesthetic. sexual organ Deformity may cause people to not feel comfortable in social environments, not to get pleasure from sexual intercourse because they do not feel good, to concentrate on the deficiencies in their own bodies rather than the pleasure in the relationship, and as a result of all these, they cannot make easy friendships.

Many young girls or women who are dissatisfied with their vagina or external genitalia may even avoid social friendships with the opposite sex. In fact, many people who applied to our clinic even admitted to us that they could not get married because of this problem.

Many women who have labial hypertrophy problems avoid wearing tight trousers, tights and bikinis, and they feel uncomfortable in social environments. The thought that "everyone is watching" makes them extremely uncomfortable. This situation is even more evident on beaches and in friendship environments. Most women who have this problem prefer to wear skirts instead of trousers throughout their lives.

On the other hand, the risk of infection (vulvitis and vaginitis) in wide, sagging and curved lips increases. Frequent infections can cause vaginal discharge and unpleasant odors in the vaginal area.

Some women say that they suffer from pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) due to tension during sexual intercourse (the penis entering the vagina) due to the sagging of the inner lips.

Although very rare, some women also complain of difficulty urinating, straining to urinate, and urine flowing down the legs due to the inner lips blocking the entrance to the vagina. In fact, the risk of urinary tract infections and cystitis increases in these people.

Although the inner lips being wider and longer than normal is annoying and a cause for embarrassment in Western cultures, in some cultures this is considered quite pleasant and sexy.

For example, in Japan, the "butterfly appearance" with width and length on the inner lips is quite attractive. Again, in some African countries, attempts are made to lengthen the inner lips of young girls by pulling them from an early age.

On the other hand, the African continent "Female circumcision" is also a very common tradition in some Muslim countries (countries such as Mali, Egypt, Somalia and Sudan).

Labiaplasty surgeries, which are included in vaginal aesthetics, first of all cause an increase in self-confidence in people. They feel very happy and peaceful after genital plastic surgery. This situation even affects their entire outlook on life in a positive way.

Women who have had vaginal plastic surgery and labiaplasty surgery are now much more comfortable with their partners. These patients derive more pleasure from intercourse because they concentrate better on sexual intercourse. Removing excess tissues increases a person's self-confidence and positively affects arousal and pleasure.

If you have had difficulty urinating before, your complaints will end after the surgery. Cystitis, urinary tract infection, fungal infections and genital infections are also less common after genital plastic surgery.

On the other hand, these women will be able to wear tight trousers, bikinis and tights, and share social environments much more freely and happily than before. Women and young girls who have not given birth before can have labioplasty. Labiaplasty surgery is never an obstacle to pregnancy.

Women who have undergone labiaplasty can easily give birth normally or by cesarean section in the future. Virgin women, that is, women who have never had sexual intercourse before, can undergo labiaplasty surgery. Labiaplasty surgeries never damage the hymen. 

Labium Majus Reduction:
The procedure of reducing the outer lips is a surgery that is generally performed less frequently. It is usually performed with tight clothing or Swimwear is requested because it disturbs the patient. The outer lips can be reduced by wedge-shaped tissue removal or liposuction.

Labium Majus Enlargement:
Fat injection into the labia is an aesthetic intervention to make the labia look younger and fuller. For patients who rarely resort to this type of surgery, the fat tissue removed during the liposuction procedure on the hip or leg is injected into the labia majora with low pressure.

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