Dealing with Serious Life Events

Many people recover after a disaster and return to their pre-disaster psychology. However, in many people, extremely stressful thoughts, disturbing feelings and even physical symptoms occur.

Serious life events are traumatic in nature and are not events that people can easily accept and understand. Especially in these situations, children become more frightened and confused.

How to help an adult who has experienced serious life events? may show risky behaviors in dealing with them. In fact, many people may develop depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder in the near future. In the long term, problems such as dissociative reactions, self-harm, memory problems, different perception of the body, and perception defects may occur. Early treatment after trauma is so beneficial from a medical point of view . As time goes on, treatment becomes more difficult.

Common reactions in an adult after a major disaster

Recommendations for adults in coping with a disaster

Give your body logistical support by eating regularly, sleeping regularly, drinking enough water and even exercising

Avoid the use of alcohol, cigarettes and unnecessary drugs to reduce your stress, as these make the situation worse and cause different problems in the long run (such as addiction. For example, there is always this type of story in alcohol addiction)

Consider healthy soothing options such as regular breathing exercises, listening to music, meditation, logical thinking, giving positive and soothing messages to oneself, talking to reasonable and positive people.

Apply to activities that strengthen the person spiritually and physically, such as exercise, hobby activities and social activities .

Get accurate information from reliable sources, stay away from gossip and negative vilifications

Stay away from television, internet and social media, do not be overly informed from these sources

If your mental complaints increase, you can also seek medical help from psychiatry. ask for help.

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