
In aesthetic dentistry, many materials and methods are produced day by day to preserve the existing tooth structure as much as possible. Porcelain laminate veneer restorations, one of these treatment methods, are frequently used to correct dental anomalies and mask tooth discolorations. In the successful use of these restorations in the mouth for a long time; The type of material used in laminate veneer construction, the type of tooth cutting, bonding procedure and patient habits are important. For this reason, proper planning and precise work in the laboratory are important in laminate veneers.


Porcelain laminate restorations, popularly known as leaf veneers, can sometimes be prepared without any cutting, depending on the color and shape of the teeth. However, certain criteria must be met in restorations prepared in this way. Apart from this, the maximum thickness in these restorations is 0.6 mm. cutting is done. These values ​​​​mean minimal cutting in the natural tooth. This offers patients a harmless treatment option. That's why these types of veneers have recently begun to be preferred by patients.


In laminate restorations, planning with smile design before starting the treatment and preparing a prototype that meets the patient's expectations is important for both the patient and the patient. It also offers a very comfortable treatment option for the physician. Thus, the patient can directly see what he/she will look like by looking in the mirror before starting the treatment. Such preparation is the key to success in aesthetic treatments such as laminate restorations.




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