Discipline in Children

3 Tips to Discipline Your Child Without Punishment

We want our children to learn from their mistakes. So when he makes a mistake, we tell him to think about his actions and send him to his room. However, our children often do not think about what they are doing and continue the same behavior. So, in this case, how should you act to discipline your child?

The word discipline is often used together with the word punishment. However, the word discipline comes from the Latin word "disciplina". This word carries the meanings of "teaching how to learn" and "student behavior or etiquette". The real meaning of the word discipline is the key to changing children's behavior: "To show children the methods they need to have better behavior."

By associating the word discipline with punishment, making our child "pay" for his mistake helps him learn to make the right choice next time. It doesn't help. While being constantly punished causes struggles to "have power", children may also have a tendency to continue their bad behavior, thinking that it attracts the attention of their parents.

So, what are the ways to discipline our children without punishing them? Of course, there is no magic formula for this since every child is one and only. However, focusing on three main issues will help ensure they make the right choices.

1. Give them the positive attention they need.

Children want attention. If we do not give them the positive attention they need, they will try to attract negative attention by trying different methods. They will want to keep the spotlight on them, even if it is for bad reasons. This doesn't mean you have to pay attention to them 24-7. It would be a positive step to create a time period that belongs to them, even if it is for a short time every day, without any distractions and focusing entirely on what they want. No matter how busy your day is, you can spend time playing a game of your choice or reading a book for 10 minutes, once or twice a day. Thus, by satisfying the desire for attention, you can contribute to eliminating the need to attract attention in negative ways.

2. Make Time for Education

Remember that the real meaning of the word discipline is "teaching to learn". Remember that the best way to discipline your child is to teach him/her to make better choices. You can change roles for this. Be the child and let your child help you make the right choices. You can ask him/her to guide you and help you make the right choices by sharing a toy instead of breaking it, using a positive approach instead of a hurtful tone. You can help him understand what such a right and wrong choice is. You can also keep his enthusiasm alive by appreciating his every correct behavior with your words.


3. Set Boundaries and Stick to These Boundaries

Children develop more positively when they know boundaries and rules. Of course, when we say limitations, we are not talking about hundreds of hard and immutable rules. Boundaries should be whatever is best for your family. Be very clear about boundaries and rules. Make it clear what they should do if they cross boundaries. For example, let them know that if they do not clear their plates at dinner, they will have to unload the dishwasher. But don't make irrelevant rules. For example, having a child who does not do his homework clean his room will not have any effect because he will not be able to establish a connection between these two responsibilities.

Above all, be consistent. Your child will become confused if you constantly change the consequences they will face when a limit is crossed. You can contact our Psychon Psychological Support Center to get professional support on all issues you are curious about.


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