What should be done at home with children when schools are closed during the epidemic?

The COVID-19 epidemic continues to restrict the lives of children as well as adults every day. With the transition of education in schools to distance education due to the coronavirus, the danger of the situation for children has decreased slightly. As the time spent at home increased, children began to get bored of staying at home from time to time. Since their schools are still continuing as distance education, it is important for children to keep school in their center. They should continue their study routine without disrupting their school routine. After completing their school routine, a plan can be made on how they will spend their days at home. For this, parents can prepare a list. Of course, when preparing this list, care should be taken to include things that your child's age group can do. First of all, regardless of age group, the time spent in front of a mobile phone, tablet, computer or television should be limited and used within a certain period of time. Your child may not realize that this time is up, but parents control this time and turn on television, etc. when the time comes. It should be closed and shown to the children that the plan is followed. Various puzzles can be purchased according to the age of your child, and your child can do these puzzles alone or the whole family can do them together. If your child is interested in puzzles, model games can also be purchased. All of these will allow your child to spend quality time at home during this period and increase their creative thinking skills. In addition, you can give him small, age-appropriate responsibilities at home. Considering his age, for example; Children can be given responsibilities or activities appropriate to their age, such as tidying their own room, folding their clothes and putting them in their closet, helping to set the table, and trying easy recipes they can make in the kitchen. Again, games can be played with the whole family during this process. Games that can be played collectively may be preferred (e.g. taboo etc.). Painting hours can be organized especially for children who are a little younger. It will be more enjoyable for children if this is done with parents. Finally, we should definitely include reading books in the plan, but it is important that the readings are done together with the parents. Especially with children who do not like to read books It will be more effective for children to spend reading hours with their parents and for the parent to read a book next to their child.

Among the activities we plan, doing the things that can be done with the family together with all family members is both more enjoyable and more instructive for children. It will happen. During this period, we should neither leave the children too loose at home and put them in a holiday mood, nor should we keep them under strict surveillance by checking on them every minute.

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