We all have turning points in our lives. Cornerstones and crossroads... It is difficult, painful and eventually pregnant with new steps, new excitements and new pages to be opened in our lives. There are young people. It is a fact that we know that there are not only young people aged 18 or 19, but also people of all ages and statuses. those who just want to try themselves and those who take the exam for many different reasons... A new Ösys preference period begins, which concerns thousands of people with different reasons, ages and statuses, and the meaning attributed to this process naturally changes from person to person. It is ideal to be able to make the right, healthy and appropriate choices without making it a life and death struggle... Every moment of our lives is full of choices and choices. Making the right decisions and taking the right steps accordingly is knowing ourselves. 'Knowing yourself' is aware of your abilities and capabilities to be...Yes, let's face it, it's not easy; but we can certainly increase our awareness of ourselves by engaging in a search and focusing. Please let's not avoid asking these questions. Who am I? What do I like to do? What do I not like to do? What are my hobbies that I do without getting bored and tire me? I am thinking. In this process, it will also be nice to know and remember this: Every individual is special and unique. Everyone has a field in which they are definitely successful. Regardless of your score and preferences, I would like to end with a poem by wishing you to be aware of your own worth. This beautiful poem actually says a lot. It is important how well a person does it and how fondly he does it, rather than what profession or job he does. 'Be the best of whatever you are'...
Mountain tee if you can't be a pine after it
Be a bush in the valley.
But you must be the best little bush out there.
If you can't be a bush, be a piece of grass, bring joy to a road ver.
Become a reed if you don't become a musk flower.
But you must be the liveliest reed in the lake.
We can't all be captains, we have to be crew.
There is something for all of us in the world.
There are big things to do, small things to do.
The job you will do is the job closest to you.
If you can't be a street, be a path.
If you can't be the sun, be a star.
Win or lose is not measured.
Whatever you are, you must be the best.
Expert Psychological CounselorFiliz ERDİN
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