Homeopathy is an alternative treatment system that was discovered by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann in the early 19th century and helps the body heal itself naturally.
The word homeopathy comes from Greek; It is formed by combining the words Homeos = similar, Pathos = pain, suffering. It is based on the principle that a substance that produces certain symptoms in a healthy person provides healing in sick people with the same symptoms.
According to the data of the World Health Organization, it is the most frequently used complementary medicine method. 50%< of the population in Europe. More than 50% of doctors are receiving homeopathic treatment, and more than 50% of doctors recommend homeopathy together with other treatment methods. The definition of disease in homeopathy is the whole body, mind and soul. Affecting the organism is the disruption of the balance of the entire organism. The cause of the disease is not a disorder in one organ, but the disruption of the balance of the whole (the body's life energy, its own healing power). Therefore, in homeopathy, there is no need to give different medications for the deterioration of different organs; on the contrary, a medication is used that covers the entire disorder, imbalance and the whole person.
The aim of this treatment is to completely and radically cure the disease in a moderate and reliable way, without harming the patient. .
Classical homeopathy is based on the following basic principles;
Similia Similibus Currentur (like is cured with like)
A medicine Whatever symptoms it produces when given to a healthy person, the person with similar symptoms is treated with this drug. Here, the life force detects the externally administered medicine and its activity and activates the healing power.
To give an example: Imagine a patient complaining of insomnia. In addition, he is very nervous and constantly thinks about something; And he is so angry, so tense that even a slight sound coming from afar disturbs him. Known coffee can have such an effect in some people if it is drunk too strong and in large quantities. Therefore, insomnia accompanying similar symptoms can be treated with coffea, a homeopathic prepared form of coffee. Or when a bee stings, a pink/red swelling occurs on the skin. Kas� It is limited and relieved when applied cold. His complaints improve when he is given a medicine (prepared bee venom) that causes a similar skin rash.
Drug information
In homeopathy, only the effects have been scientifically tested. and proven drugs are used.
Detailed investigation of the symptoms that drugs may cause is carried out with healthy people under the name of 'drug trials'.
Single drug< Evidence studies of homeopathic medicines are conducted on a single drug. If more than one drug is used, it is not known which drug will be responsible for the changes that occur.
Giving more than one drug should not lead to the thought that the combined total effect will increase. There may also be cases of blocking each other's effects.
Minimum Dose (dosis Minima)
According to this principle, the medicine is given in the smallest dose that can activate the healing power and provide the expected change. This approach ensures that the treatment is carried out gently and without tiring the patient.
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