Most of the time, we do not see snoring as a complaint, we blame our daytime tiredness on our work. We attribute this to its intensity and do not consider this situation as a reason to go to the doctor. If you snore regularly every night and feel sleepy and tired during the day, you may have "sleep apnea". Although sleep apnea is a disease as common as asthma and diabetes in society, it remains hidden because it is not diagnosed.

You can test yourself for other symptoms of sleep apnea with the following questions:

If you say yes to any of these situations, you may not be able to sleep. It means that you have a high risk of apnea.

If you have the following problems along with the above complaints, complications related to sleep apnea have occurred and it is time to get serious medical help in this regard. It means it has arrived.

What exactly is Sleep Apnea?

Vital health It is difficult for the patient to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea, which can cause problems. The patient usually becomes aware of abnormal situations in sleep when his or her spouse or relatives notice them.

Irregular breathing

The most important symptom of sleep apnea is sudden breathing pauses, very loud snoring and sighing during sleep.

Normally, the muscles that control the upper respiratory tract (muscles surrounding the throat and larynx) relax during sleep. If this relaxation is too much The upper respiratory tract narrows and "snoring" sounds are produced by the vibrations of the air entering and exiting during breathing. Snoring is the sound made by breathing that is difficult or distressed during sleep.

Sometimes, the airway becomes completely blocked during sleep and breathing is temporarily interrupted. This condition is called “apnea”. In case of respiratory arrest (apnea), interruption of breathing for at least 10 seconds and recurrence of breathing pauses at least 5 times per hour is described as "sleep apnea disease". Patients struggle to sleep as if they are suffocating, with repeated breathing pauses in their sleep.

This situation, which repeats every night, affects your life: it disrupts your sleep; You wake up in the morning tired, dizzy, unable to sleep, you feel general fatigue and reluctance during the day, these situations affect your quality of life, business life and social relationships.


Recent research has shown that snoring and sleep apnea are associated with many very important diseasesIf sleep apnea is left untreated, it can cause the following problems:


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