- Forgetfulness,
- Absentmindedness, dreaminess,
- Disorganization,
- Laziness, >
- Extreme reluctance to do things other than the ones he enjoys,
- Continuously watching TV or playing computer games,
- Always being late when going somewhere,
- Empty exhibiting a determined attitude,
- Not being ambitious, being satisfied with what is,
- Clumsiness, incompetence, not being prone to sports,
- Inability to use time well, constantly procrastinating, poor time management.
- Not being able to finish a job he started,
- Getting bored easily,
- Not fulfilling simple responsibilities at home (cleaning, order, etc.),
- Procrastination and postponement,
- Saying "ok" or "wait a minute" or not following a given command,
- Taking too long to do homework,
- Dreaming
- Liking imaginary games too much,
- Acting as if you don't hear the commands given, not following the commands.
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