Vacation, whose benefits have been scientifically approved, causes many problems between couples, from fights to resignation, if not planned well. Psychiatrist Dr. Zeynep Pınar offers practical solutions: Do not schedule a meeting on the first day of work, wear comfortable clothes, spend the last day of the holiday at home, do not start a diet right away, divide the holiday into two…
City chaos, accumulation of work responsibilities, suitcases full of dirty laundry, dried flowers, emptied clothes. refrigerator, accumulated bills, changing sleeping patterns and weight gained... Vacation, which is scientifically proven to protect mental and physical health, can cause depression if not planned well.
Psychiatrist & Psychotherapist Dr. Zeynep Pınar said, “It has been determined that each year in which a person cannot go on holiday increases the risk of heart attack. "You will see that anger increases while work performance decreases in those who cannot go on vacation," he said. Pınar stated that although a holiday alone does not prevent depression, she can recommend a holiday after medication and therapy.
Recommending that the holiday be planned in order to enjoy it, Pınar said, “Those who are slaves to their habits cannot be happy during the holiday. When we think of holiday, we think of sea, sun and tanning. However, the way to rest our mind is not to stop it or live in a routine, but to surprise it. Make creative plans for the holiday. For example, you can spend your summer vacation with activities that will turn your curiosity into a hobby,” he said.
Dr. Zeynep Pınar said, “Problems that you postpone in your daily life routine may surface during the holiday. We encounter many couples who return home after a holiday or a holiday fighting. Make a good plan before going on vacation. "If there are many differences in your wishes, needs and dreams, it may be a better idea to go on separate holidays." > – Do not constantly weigh whether what we eat and drink is healthy or not. Use some of the 15 percent margin of error in proper nutrition during the holiday.
– Leave work behind.
– For those who have a long break from work and then have difficulty coping with the accumulated responsibilities, divide the holiday into three or four parts a year. It's a good idea to sleep.
– Wear comfortable clothes on your first day of work.
– Spending a few days at home after the holiday will be a smooth transition for both children and adults.

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