Although songs and movies give the opposite impression,not every crisis is depression. In most of our daily usage of the phrase "I'm depressed", we are actually talking about depression, not depression. The phenomenon we call depression is a mental health disorder. Just like you lose some of your daily functions in other diseases, for example, you fall into bed with a severe flu, your daily functionality decreases significantly in depression. Most of the time, you never want to leave the house or even get out of bed. You may overeat and be completely starved. Even activities that you used to do with great happiness completely lose their meaning. Washing, personal hygiene and even going to the toilet may seem like a great torment. You don't even want to wash your face, let alone shave or put on make-up. You also feel worthless and miserable. Of course, these symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the disorder and the person. However, advanced depression can lead to suicide, and a person with symptoms like the ones I mentioned above should definitely consult a psychiatrist without delay.
What if we are talking about a problem or depression that affects your life, although it is not as intense as above? Even if they are not at the level of a disorder, some problems can affect your life greatly. Getting a certain amount of pleasure and satisfaction from life is directly proportional to what we do. Therefore, even though it may not seem very serious, always staying at home instead of going out with your friends in a depression situation will increase this depression situation even more. On the other hand, you're probably thinking, "It's easy to say go out, I don't have to do anything." In this case, you should not hesitate to get help from an expert. Your problems do not have to be at the level of a "disease/disorder" to receive psychotherapy or psychological counseling help.
Sometimes, I hear things like "what will the psychologist tell me or give me advice, why should I go?" from my acquaintances. It is useful to examine this sentence a little. First of all, the psychologist's job is not to give you advice on what to do. The process we call psychotherapy is a message that tells you what to do. It is not a recipe, it is a process where you are guided to find it. Most of the time, the therapist will ask questions rather than express opinions. These questions can sometimes be challenging because they may force you to look at what's going on in your life from a perspective you've never looked at before. Most of the time, my clients state that their experience after the first session is different, it is not like chatting with a friend, it is not even like chatting, and they are mentally tired. For me, such experiences are a sign that the session was successful.
There are many techniques and principles used by psychotherapy approaches. When you work with a therapist who uses these techniques and principles well, you may be able to achieve goals that seem impossible to achieve, of course, with your own effort. Of course, change is not easy, it requires effort, and thanks to this effort, you may be able to live a more fulfilling life.
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