If you are not satisfied with the image you see when you stand in front of the mirror, you may have difficulty putting on clothes that you have not worn for a long time and think that you just need to lose a few kilos due to other similar reasons. That's why you do sports, stay away from sweets and fast food, don't eat anything before going to bed, pay attention to your meals and meal times, but you still can't lose weight. In this case, some of your health problems may prevent you from losing weight. Losing 2-4 kilos per month is ideal for a dieter.
Before you start a diet, it is much more important to know your own body and what precautions you should take to protect your health. Disorders you ignore are “no matter what I do, I can't lose weight.” While it may cause you to experience the situation, it will also greatly affect your motivation. If you know what diseases prevent you from losing weight, your weight loss process will be positive.
Let's look at the conditions and diseases that prevent weight loss.
Situations that prevent weight loss;
Insulin resistance: It is the situation where the insulin hormone is not effective enough. It becomes difficult for the tissues to use the sugars taken into the body. It creates a feeling of hunger by causing the body to secrete more insulin. Naturally, it makes it difficult for us to eat more than necessary, that is, to lose weight.
Psychological problems: In addition to psychologically caused eating disorders, depression, stress, schizophrenia, sleep problems, panic attacks, substance or alcohol addiction are also nutritional problems. It negatively affects your habit. It also causes negativities in hormonal balance, making it difficult to lose weight. Stress creates appetite irregularity instead of hormonal disorder.
Anemia: In other words, anemia is a health problem that is mostly seen in women and that we ignore. In fact, it can seriously affect our health. Anemia is a low hemoglobin value. However, iron, B12 and folate deficiencies are also observed. The body becomes tired and tends to sleep, and this slows down the metabolism. In addition to making it difficult to lose weight, we want to consume more sugary foods to feel energetic. z.
Thyroid hormone: It is an important hormone that directly affects the working speed of metabolism. The thyroid gland also plays an important role in energy storage, temperature regulation of the body, and the healthy functioning of other systems. Inadequate functioning of the thyroid gland slows down the metabolism and makes it difficult to lose weight.
Other hormone disorders: Aldosterone, progesterone, cortisol, estrogen, prolactin, ACTH and growth hormones keep the functioning of many systems in the body in balance. Disturbance of one or more of these hormones can disrupt the body's balance and make it difficult to lose weight. Menstrual irregularities, increased appetite, and sleep disturbance may occur.
Menopause: It occurs as estrogen secretion decreases in women as they get older. In menopause, metabolism slows down and side effects such as sweating, palpitations, insomnia, depression and hot flushes are observed. Due to side effects, they may tend to eat sweets, which makes it difficult to lose weight.
Apart from the diseases you may encounter, some situations and wrong approaches can also make it difficult for you to lose weight.
These situations;
Not drinking water: We recommend everyone, even those who are on a diet, to drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day. Also, when you crave junk food, drink water. Because it is difficult to understand the difference between your body being thirsty and being hungry.
Failure to read or misunderstand the label of the products you buy: writing "light" on the product may mean that it is low in sugar and may also indicate that it is low in fat.
Irregular sleep: You should spend the nights sleeping because your metabolism slows down. Additionally, lack of sleep can affect stress hormones, making you crave food and cause weight gain. Do not wake up in the morning when your metabolism is most active and skip your breakfast.
Low motivation: Keeping the weight you want to lose weekly or monthly at an exaggerated value and demoralizing you will not make you feel psychologically ready. Motivate yourself by setting more attainable goals
Exercise: somewhere 3 times a week A 30-minute brisk walk as if you are trying to catch up on time will help you lose weight.
Low-calorie diets: If you eat less of your daily nutrients, the body will use fat tissue and muscles for energy. With muscle loss, your metabolism would slow down in order for your body to protect itself, and what you eat may now return to you as weight.
What you need to do to lose weight
Do not skip your meals to keep your metabolism working regularly. “Don't get caught in the thought that if I didn't have breakfast in the morning, I will eat fewer calories today.” Have your snacks 2.5-3 hours after your main meals in the morning, lunch and dinner.
You can get support from your family and friends by telling them that you want to lose weight.
Rather than making losing weight seem like an obligation to yourself. Consider it necessary for your health. Necessity will put pressure on you and dieting will feel like torture.
Do not think that you will lose weight by staying hungry. Keeping your stomach empty will send a signal to the brain that it is hungry. If you do not eat anything for a long time, the brain will try to keep the body in balance by slowing down your metabolism.
You are following your diet very well, but you could not control yourself and consumed a pack of chips with a cola. So don't give up on your diet. Consider that you want to eliminate unhealthy foods from your life as much as possible, and if you encounter this situation again, engage in different tasks. Be determined and determined to be successful in the diet.
Providing yourself with a feast before starting the diet means that what you eat will return in weight. When you start a diet, you will have to lose more weight.
Thinking about unhealthy foods during the diet period may cause excessive cravings for that food. Turn your attention elsewhere.
In order to lose weight while protecting your health, you should listen to your body before starting a diet and consult your doctor to have the necessary checks done in case you experience health problems.
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