Follow-up of Growth and Development for 3-6 Months

In these months, weight gain is 17 g/day, with an average of 500 g/month, and the 5th month target is twice the birth weight. Height growth is 2 cm/month, a total of 8 cm between 3-6 months and reaches approximately 65 cm at the end of the 6th month. Head circumference growth increases by 1 cm/month and reaches 43 cm at the end of the 6th month.

When it comes to 3-6 month development, this is the period of rapid socialization. Starting from the 3rd month, babies begin to recognize the adults who are special to them, namely mother and father. When you talk to him he starts babbling and laughing loudly. Songs sung using the baby's name attract his/her attention. During this period, he drools excessively and enjoys putting his hands in his mouth. During the 4-6 month period, he reaches for objects that interest him, grabs them and puts them in his mouth. While lying on his back, he raises his head and indicates that he wants to get up. He realizes that his needs are met by his mother and that his crying is a way of calling his mother. As the mother understands the baby and responds to its requests, the baby's ability to explain its needs develops. Rotates from prone to supine position. In the 5-6 month period, she can transfer objects from one hand to the other and sit with support.

During this period, the mother should play with mirrored toys with the baby; get behind him and make him turn and look by making different sounds in both ears; She should be prepared to sit on her own by not supporting her back while sitting on the lap. While lying on his back, he should be grasped tightly by both wrists and helped to get up by gathering his head.

Especially around the 6th month, the mother should play the game of "peek-a-eye" with the baby. Thus, when the baby leaves sight, the mother gives the message that her mother is not gone but comes again, and that "Even if I go away, I am still here."

6. Developmental steps expected to be achieved at the end of the month;

Holding an object touched by your hand

Focusing and looking at small objects

Being able to reach out and pick up a toy in front of you while sitting

Supine Following objects by turning your head while lying down

Watching your hands

Laughing loudly

Don't look back at the voice coming from behind

Don't look back when your name is called from behind

Rolling onto your stomach while lying on your back, turning on your back while lying on your stomach

Ability to sit with support

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