Calluses and Horns

Skin thickening/horns and calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that usually appear on the feet and hands that are exposed to friction or pressure. They form naturally to help protect underlying tissues due to repetitive minor trauma and pressure.

Calluses can form in any area exposed to repetitive friction. Thickenings, such as those on the fingertips of those who play instruments such as guitar and saz, on the necks of violin players, or on the palms of those who do repair work, occur due to the pressure of the bones on the skin. They can be seen on or between the toes, on the sides of the toes, or in the front area where the feet touch the ground and on the heels. They can be hard and dry or soft and jelly-like. Causes of foot ulcers include bone disorders, arthritis or inappropriate shoes.

Hand and foot calluses are often confused with warts. For this reason, they must be examined by a dermatologist.

There are some practical solutions for the treatment of horniness and calluses, but in cases where this does not yield results, they may need to be treated.

1. Soak the thickened part or callus in warm water for 5-10 minutes,

2. Thickening or callus can be filed down with a pumice stone.

3. Care should be taken not to peel the skin more than necessary.

4. Applying a moisturizing lotion or cream to this area every day will reduce thickening and hardening.

5. Since calluses form due to pressure, silicone pads or finger socks (silicones) suitable for the area should be used during and after the treatment.

6. When choosing shoes, shoes that are neither too big nor too small and fit well should be preferred.

7. Care should be taken to keep toenails short at all times.

Thickening or calluses often stop when the friction or pressure in question is eliminated. If they cannot be prevented with the simple measures we have mentioned above, they must be treated.





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