ADHD is a developmental disorder that basically shows symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and difficulty in controlling one's behavior. Due to these symptoms, it can cause adaptation problems in children and adolescents at school, affect course success, and lead to various social problems.
ADHD is seen at a rate of 5% in our country.
In some children, attention deficit symptoms are earlier. While it is seen in the background, in some children, findings of hyperactivity and inability to control their behavior can be seen more prominently.
Findings related to lack of attention:
- Inability to maintain attention for a long time,
- Loss of attention. inability to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes,
-Avoiding tasks that require attention such as homework and reading,
-Forgetting daily tasks and losing belongings easily
Motility-Impulsivity Related findings:
-Having trouble sitting in the same place for a long time,
-Fidgeting, running or climbing often,
-Talking too much, interrupting others, interfering,
-Impatience and difficulty in waiting one's turn
When ADHD is left untreated, it negatively affects the school life of the child and young person, reduces academic success below expectations, and causes social problems.
Making social and behavioral arrangements, informing and training the family and teacher, and having individual and supportive conversations with the child are very important in the treatment.
Those with ADHD Suggestions for children's families:
Families should not forget that children with ADHD have great difficulty in organizing, planning and maintaining their attention, so families should cooperate and help children in these matters. Behavior problems arise not because the child wants, but because he cannot stop himself.
Main points that families should pay attention to:
-Make eye contact when communicating with the child or adolescent, try to use short and clear expressions,
-Be consistent as parents when setting rules for the child and adolescent. put it clearly and precisely and try to support it with your behavior,
-When giving responsibilities or tasks, make sure you are understood and give complex tasks in a certain order,
-Help while doing homework, first set the environment and ; Make sure that there are no devices that can distract your attention such as television or tablet, make sure that the working environment is simple and there are no distracting objects,
-Exercise patience while working together, make sure that you do not get bored by taking breaks,
-A Have him keep a notebook, teach him to write down things he may forget, cooperate with his teacher for homework and responsibilities,
-Try to prepare an environment for him to move around the house and give him opportunities,
-Make sure he does some sports or activities. Record the artistic activity and follow it, support their progress and success.
Suggestions for teachers of children with ADHD:
-Have the student sit close to you, make frequent eye contact while talking. Be careful, help him regain his attention when you feel that he is distracted,
-Be careful to seat the student away from areas where there are objects that will distract him, try to keep the classroom environment tidy and simple,
-Try to keep the student's positive behaviors. Reinforce by emphasizing, try to remain calm in their negative behavior.
- Children with ADHD cannot be kept under control easily. They try to move frequently; ask the student for help with tasks that require physical movement in the classroom. Thus, the student learns to use his energy in useful works.
-Help the student to be organized, allow extra time for some tasks. Try to repeat the responsibilities you give frequently,
-Students have difficulty in following the rules, create a rule list and hang it in the classroom, try to guide them appropriately,
-Help them take notes for their homework and other responsibilities,
-Try to give complex and difficult assignments section by section, give the instructions in simpler terms, and let them take notes. Allow the students,
-Keep in touch with the families, inform them about the students' shortcomings. Refer the family to get help from a specialist when necessary.
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