What are the symptoms of specific learning difficulties?

1- Inability to use study skills

One of the common characteristics of most children with learning disabilities is the inability to use study skills.

Study Skills


a) Realizing the resources, strategies and skills required to solve the problem effectively.

b) Planning the work to be done in a way that will lead to the successful completion of the job or problem, and constantly evaluating the effectiveness of the work. It is the ability to use the self-regulation mechanism that includes the elements.

2-Perceptual Disorders

An important feature of children with learning disabilities is that they have perceptual disorders. They have difficulty in visual perception or in interpreting and organizing stimuli from the visual senses. Children with visual perception difficulties have difficulty in copying letters and geometric shapes.

3-General Coordination Problems, Perceptual, Motor Problems

They cannot use motor skills according to their age. It is the presence of inadequacies and coordination problems in physical activities that require physical activity. There is an inability or slow development in throwing, catching, jumping, or running. It may be related to learning disabilities, but it is not the cause.

4-Attention Disorder and Hyperactivity

Attention-related difficulties are encountered in both the auditory and visual areas. They are more easily distracted than normal children.

They are careless and overactive in class. They cannot sit still for long periods of time in class. If a first or second grade student is as active as three or four year old children, his learning will be negatively affected.

5-Thinking and Memory Problems

Audial and visual They show an inability to keep stimuli in memory. Although he has no disabilities, he has difficulty memorizing a series of words. They have difficulty distinguishing words that are similar to each other.

6-Social Adaptation

Children with learning difficulties show behavioral characteristics of children with emotional disorders. They are unhappy most of the time, Their religious evaluations are negative, they believe that they cannot control themselves, and they think that the events that happen to them are caused by other people and events. They think that their efforts are useless and that no matter how hard they try, they cannot learn.

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