You have struggled with weight for many years and said goodbye to it with obesity surgery, which is the most effective weight loss method for you. Is it the final farewell? Studies show that 1 in 5 people who had sleeve gastrectomy surgery get Klio again. While you have reached the ideal body, What happens when we get rid of our health problems and put eating at the center of our lives again?
Before finding the answers to these questions, the process before obesity surgery must be explained in detail by the dietitian. How should we eat before the operation? What should the post-operative diet be like? How should I direct my life after the special nutrition period is over? Which foods should be my priority? What should I stay away from?... You can answer all these questions by receiving nutrition training and following a strict dietitian after the surgery.
Putting the information we have learned into practice is not as easy as it seems. We must give ourselves time and make the changes step by step. I wonder what these behavioral changes are?
How much protein and fluid every day? Determine what you eat
Keep a food diary
Plan your daily activities and change the way you think "How can I move more?"
Never eat in front of the TV or computer. Drink only water and herbal tea and coffee (as of the 3rd month)
Food Do not engage in any other activity while eating (such as looking at the phone, reading the newspaper)
Take care to choose healthy foods while shopping
If there are high-calorie foods, you will definitely tend to consume them. ATTENTION!
Make sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day
3-4 times a week Do regular physical activity for 45 minutes - 1 hour a day
Make sure that your priority in choosing food outside is protein-rich foods
You are very hungry and go shopping Determine your needs and shop accordingly
Do not go to special meetings and invitations very hungry
Tell your close circle that you choose healthy foods. and warn them not to insist that this is your lifestyle
Weighing yourself regularly Remember that it is the most effective method to control weight with
Stay healthy
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