How do you improve your child's early learning ability?

A newborn brain develops incredibly rapidly in the first 3 years of life. So much so that 700 new nerve connections are formed in one second. Your baby's developing brain is affected by many factors. These are the relationships, experiences and environment your baby forms. So how can you, as a parent, influence this development? How can you support your baby's learning? We will give you 1 tip about this subject every day. Remember, healthy babies create healthy societies.


Early learning

Your baby learns from birth; It is learning about you, learning about itself and learning about its environment.

Language and communication: Babies communicate with their environment by making various sounds, crying, and moving their bodies. Your baby starts using his first words around the age of 1. When he turns 3, he can easily make sentences with 3-5 words.

How can you support him?


>Thinking skills: Your child learns how the world works through play and investigation. Babies and children develop problem-solving skills through play.


How can you support?


The ability to control oneself;

As you approach the age of 3, your child learns to control his emotions and actions. He learns to wait, share and solve his problems with his friends.


How can you support him?



Your child learns that he is very special, loved, cheerful and talented. If they feel good about themselves, they will be more self-confident and able to stand on their feet in social life.


How can you support?

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