What You Need to Know About Obesity Surgery
As obesity, the disease of our age, increases, the demand for obesity surgeries also increases. General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Prof. explains what those who want to undergo surgery for obesity treatment should pay attention to. Dr. We asked Kamil Gülpınar.
“Today's living conditions cause rapid weight gain almost all over the world. Excess weight, that is, obesity, causes many diseases. Obesity, which poses a life-threatening risk in later stages, can be controlled with various treatment methods. First of all, those with a body mass index over 30 are considered obese, and those with a body mass index over 35 - 40 are considered morbidly obese. Especially patients who are in the morbidly obese group need to start treatment without delay.”
The first treatment of obesity is diet and exercise
“Obesity treatment should first be started with the help of a specialist. You should start with a diet. You should try to lose weight with diet and exercise support at least three times. If, despite all efforts, the weight lost does not exceed a few kilos and the patient quickly regains the weight as soon as he stops dieting, he should consult a general surgeon for surgical methods.
At what stage is surgery required?
"If the patient cannot lose weight with other methods and other diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure occur, obesity surgery is applied. Surgery can be performed with the most appropriate methods depending on the patient's general health condition and the surgeon's preference. Obesity surgeries are of two types: volume restricting and malabsorption. The most commonly used obesity surgery techniques can be listed as Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Duodenal Switch, Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD). With these techniques, the volume of the stomach can be reduced, the stomach can be divided and the absorption capacity of the stomach can be reduced.”
General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Kamil Gülpınar “In obesity surgery, surgeries performed with laparoscopic, that is, closed technique, minimize the risk of post-operative complications and the recovery process. In obesity surgery, post-operative checks and follow-up of the patient should be carried out very regularly. Just having surgery is not enough; the patient must reshape his/her lifestyle and nutrition. He/she should continue to eat under the supervision of a dietitian and should do light exercises regularly. After obesity surgery, an average of 50% weight loss is achieved. Problems such as diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea can be treated at a rate of 70%.
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